Just to wish all great holiday weekend, the weather promises to be hot so take care, i do not like the hot weather as it makes my breathing worse so will not see much outdoors, but for those who like it, enjoy
Holidays in hot weather,: Just to wish... - Lung Conditions C...
Holidays in hot weather,

Hi bobbyfloyd, I’m with you on this but I hope everyone who can enjoys themselves.
If anyone is planning on Bournemouth for the Bank Holiday expect the usual chaos and road closures. Pier Approach flyover closed today, causing mayhem. Friday pier fireworks cancelled again and the council will probably dig up a few crucial roads tomorrow.
Because they can.
Funny old council.
Know the feeling , went out yesterday to put flowers on my husbands grave, no buses back due to road works so a long walk , tripped over and injured my foot would be on my bad leg. Now theres work going on in my street looks like the water board digging up paths again, causing traffic chaos. Always choose bank holidays to cause more chaos. Enjoy your weekend
Are you local to Bournemouth and Dorset too? Not sure you should answer that actually, or that I should ask tbh. You can’t be too careful.
Sounds about right though.
Sue the council for tripping over the pavement. Take a picture of the best hole in the pavement you can find that obviously tripped you up.
I am not joking. 👍
Money they waste on stupid ridiculous ideas like Surf Reef and IMAX etc etc
Not in sunny Bournemouth this week, in Coventry but the streets are the same , was in Bournemouth in May. Reporting bad pavements makes no difference all you find here is red blobs but no repairs. What about Bournemouth??? Here all the monies going on city of culture projects for 2021while other matters are overlooked. Enjoy your weekend, no sea here by the way.
Seriously, if you have tripped up a fault in the pavement or road and it’s the council’s road which it pretty much all is, and injured yourself then you can claim compensation.
It’s not a get them to repair issue it’s a ‘where there’s pain, there’s a claim’
I saw it on the TV the other day on one of the riveting BBC morning programmes or something that my Ma watches.
The one not about antiques.
It’s the only one.
And what is it with those grinning smug idiots who are doing the right thing by the family and trying to convince everyone to pay for their funeral????
Every other advert on the other channels
When I die the whole disposal of my body falls firmly in ‘Not My Problem’ territory.
Bad enough dying and it’s the least my selfish adult brats can do. Ha!
When I die like you its not my problem, either the council will have to do it or my family. I have had several falls from uneven pavements in fact on one occassion police were present and can varify the state of the pavement along with the paramedics. But to make a claim you need a photo as you say and I don't carry a camera or phone camera. As for those no win no fee bods they are set on excuses to not take a case, rather than finding the points that make your case a winner. Never seen that show your MA watches but I'll look out for it now thanks for info. Katie
A PS Phil40, I recall tripping up stairs at work injuring my self and being left with a permanent facial scar, it is classed as an industrial injury for DWP purpose, but cannot be claimed for from the employer via an injury claim a solicitor told me after ringing me and asking me to make a claim. So it all seems to be very much who you are as to whether you can claim or not .
I heard the Bournemouth pier fireworks last night at 10pm and there are 2 more displays next weekend.
My wife also said I was wrong that the fireworks were not on. I am glad they were I always feel sorry for holiday makers when they are not.
I usually hear them where I live but didn’t last night. Getting deafer.
Next weekend is the air show isn’t it?
I really like to see the planes, especially older military models like the Liberator and Flying Fortress bombers and we are quite close to the airport to see a lot come and go from here.
I remember they had a beautiful white I think WW2 era Catalina seaplane; never seen one flying before or since.
Always see the Red Arrows coming in and going but apparently not here this year.
I am spoiled living here when I remember everything that is going on.
Have a good weekend
Yes I agree the hot weather can be disaterous for some. I find its best to stay indoors, plenty of cool drinks. The roads will only be packed so everywhere will take longer to get to. Stay at home relax and be well.
I’m with you. Will not be going out.