Hi I am travelling to Greece in August, I need to take a nebulizer with me as I have both COPD and bronchiectasis. Im worried that the nebulizer will be slow due to the difference in electricity power may slow the nebulizer down. Can anyone recommend a suitable machine that I can purchase which has been used abroard. Tried and tested Thank you. Louie
Re Nebuluzer machine for Holiday - Lung Conditions C...
Re Nebuluzer machine for Holiday

It should be as good if Greece is on normal European electricity. You just need a plug adapter. Otherwise buy a small battery operated one from one of the dedicated nebuliser companies. They are on 220 like us. Sorry I am in US and can't remember the names but somebody will. I have a tiny Pari eneb with me. It is fab but very expensive.

Thank you. Loui
Evergreen nebulisers have travel nebulisers for sale ( about 75 quid for a good one) they charge off a USB cable are almost silent and easy to use , I'm getting one for my hols in oct ,
You can google the firm
Here are some available fron Amazon. amazon.co.uk/s?k=nebulizer&...
Thank you. Loui
I have a Pari mini which I used it Greece last month. However I needed a more powerful nob as I nebulise colomycin which is thicker. Evergreen are really helpful if you call them. Enjoy your holiday.