Hi, I’m desperately seeking information. My husband ha# recently been diagnosed with stage 3 mesothelioma cancer. We are obviously devastated and are both trying to be very positive. My question is about the sweating he is undergoing which is upsetting him very much. Is there anyone out there who is also suffering with this and is there anything we can do to alleviate this problem.
Mesothelioma cancer: Hi, I’m... - Lung Conditions C...
Mesothelioma cancer

Hello and welcome, what a shock you and your husband have had.
I have just checked online and there is a website mesothelioma.uk.com that seems very informative. They suggest loose cotton clothing, lightweight bedding and a fan as they could help with sweating.
Hope that helps and please stay in touch. Xxxx
I don't have any advice to pass on but want to wish you well and hope you can get lots of good advice and help.
Sorry i don’t have any advice to offer but just wanted to send best wishes to you and your husband. Thinking of you 💐
Thank you for your very kind thoughts
Sorry for your troubles but maybe get a fan to help and also if the cancer was caused by asbestos he could be entitled to
Compensation of up to £45:000
Hi Jojo, so sorry to hear you and your husband have had terrible news. I cant advice you, but would say that if he is sweating alot to make sure he drinks plenty of liquids, this will stop him dehydrating which is important. Wish you both well and keep us updated x
Hi I also was diagnosed with mesothelioma last May 13 months ago .I can empathise with you and know how you. feel after being told such an awful diagnosis.I was rushed in for a biopsy and my lung was drained then my lung was packed with talc. Then I started my chemo.Although the chemo wasn't pleasant I was given some advice which was to embrace it and stay positive.Advice that I took. Now 13 months on and the chemo shrunk the disease by half and it's remained that way. Stay positive JoJo.
Best wishes
Bob k
Hi bob thanks for your reply. Unfortunately John has been diagnosed with stage 3 so isn’t well enough at the moment to have chemo. He has terrible sweating which is getting him down and his appetite is dreadful but at least his weight has remained stable for the last few days. He’s staying positive we just need to get him stronger so that he can take the chemo. Thankyou forgetting in touch it is much appreciated x
Sorry to hear your news. I got this tip from a friend when we were on holiday in Greece during a heat wave. Try putting your bed sheets in the freezer for an hour or so. They’re very cooling although in Greece they did warm up again fairly quickly but getting in between really cold sheets will help to cool him down. An iced flannel on his forehead too might help.
Wishing you both all the best
Sorry to hear of your husband's suffering. When the temp used to hit 40s in Greece I would soak our T-shirts, wring them out well and wear till dry, then repeat. Helped both kids and adults alike xx