I have recently been hospitalised with severe pneumonia and sepsis . I am at home recovering now and am experiencing excessive mucus. Unfortunately I am unable to bring it up as I used to work on the men’s ward and one of my tasks was to go round with the sputum pots and then remove them and they had been used. As a result I automatically swallow the mucus back down. This has not enabled me to check it’s colour to see whether I still have an infection nor to send to the path lab to identify the type of bacteria causing my pneumonia infection. I have also been researching the cause of bacterial pneumonia and it would appear that mucus at the back of the throat may have provided a breeding ground For the infection.
I would appreciate any advice anyone can give with bringing up mucus, given that I swallow it before being able to do so. I drink plenty of water and wonder whether a flutter device or similar may help or even CPD oil.
I hope you are all enjoying the dancing sunbeams this Easter