I have great difficulty in coughing up mucus. I am 68 with moderate COPD. Are mucus remover devices (as sold on Amazon etc.) worth trying?
Mucus remover devices : I have great... - Lung Conditions C...
Mucus remover devices

Hi, I don't know if this is any good to you but I mentioned this to my respiratory nurse because after 2 viruses my breathing has gone right downhill and she had a look and actually got me the aerobika device on prescription. I haven't used it yet as I am a bit scared to until my breathing hopefully gets a bit better with my new trelegy medication. I just thought I'd mention it as it is supposed to be for getting mucus up better. 😉
Give it a go Mellywelly, the more mucus you can get rid of maybe your breathing may improve, use it gently to start with and see if it helps. Keep well.
Thanks so much for these replies. I saw the Aerobika and thought the price was a bit steep for something that might not work. I had not realised it could be prescribed so I will ask the surgery for one. When I had a lung infection they wanted a sputum sample and when I couldn’t produce one they gave me no guidance on ways to cough productively. I should have turned here for advice!
Read up on aluk website on lung clearance techniques(+ there are videos too). Aerobika helps.also mucolytic like nacys,or carbocysteine ( prescription) help to thin mucous,along with extra fluids
Yes, I agree, if it had been prescribed then give it a try for a couple of days and then you will see if it helps. Pretty certain it won’t make things worse.
Go well
I have bronchiectasis and asthma. My respiratory physio prescribed me an Aerobika and honestly, I wouldn’t be without it. So easy to use to get rid of stubborn mucus. You shouldn’t need to buy one, your GP should be able to prescribe one. Give it a go, I’m sure you’ll be pleased. Keep well.
I have Bronchiectasis and I also use the Aerobika which was prescribed by the respiratory physiotherapist. It’s been a game changer for me. Definitely worth asking. Good luck.
I have both. I was prescribed one and had previously bought one - Air Physio - from Amazon. They do help… I find them equally useful.
I agree. The respiratory team in Mid Essex asked my doctor to prescribe an AeroBika when I had a bad infection and the result was amazing. Lots of sputum came up the first time I used it, without any straining on my part. You can vary the strength you use it at, so start on 1 and progress up to 5 if you need to. These things are available on the NHS. Don't bother with Amazon and certainly avoid the much more expensive, widely advertised devices, which are suitable for athletes but not for us.
Thank you. Such a relief to know there is something out there that works for lungs like mine. It can be very disheartening when you are faced with an overworked respiratory nurse who only wants get on to the next patient. Anyway, I’m very grateful for the immediate response from all you helpful people.
Shocking, s/he could at least have offered you Carbocysteine a mucolytic and I dont think very expensive for the NHS or even suggested NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) which is prescribed or can be bought over the counter - I bought Sogar brand from my local health food shop when I needed extra help on top of my twice daily dose of Carbocysteine. Mucolytics help soften mucus making it easier to expel. If you write Acapella or Aerobika in the search bar loads of older posts on them will come up. Good luck
I use the acapella device & also find drinking plenty fluids so helpful . 2 litres a day my Dr advised as it helps to break up mucus & easy to cough up . I keep the water tepid & it helps .
I’m also nebulising saline which is brilliant to break up mucus
Acapella device from nhs respiratory department does a good job and you can change settings 1 to 5
Carbosisteine can be prescribed by your Respiritory team or GP. I take it daily. Helps thin mucus so easily dispersed..I have taken it for years and also others on this site .good luck xx.Sheila
yes .. I’ve bought one and use it when needed .. i was also given one by a fellow sufferer and he called it a flutter !! X
Hi, I have been prescribed Nacsys which thins stuck mucous and makes it easier to cough up.
Hi Maddie, like most people on here I find the Aerobika really helpful. Only recently prescribed it and I use it with my nebuliser and a saline solution morning and evening. I have ridiculous amounts of mucus to clear!
You may also find it helpful to look at Asthma & Lung UK's website for general info and ask to see a respiratory physiotherapist. They can help you work out the best airway clearance techniques to suit you. Huff coughing can help but I have found using the Aerobika as well has made a massive difference for me. Xx
Aerobika does seem to be the device of choice here. I was offered pulmonary rehab classes when I was diagnosed a year ago. I was told there was a seven week waiting list. Then they cut the GP COPD clinic staff from 2 to 1 nurse practitioner and I am still waiting so definitely time to do something proactive for myself before things go too far downhill. Thanks again to everyone willing to take the time and care enough to reply to me.
Yes I am only now doing PR - 18 months after I asked for it! I have found doing some of the things Asthma & Lung offer great in the meantime. I love their Feel Good Friday Seated Zumba sessions but I've also done their Breathe Easy course and tried my hand with a harmonica! They also have regular Singing for your Lungs sessions. All free and online 😁 xx
I have tried the green acapella and have not been too successful in producing mucus. Wonder if anything has tried both the green acapella and the Aerobika and know which is more effective. Acapella doesn't facilitate use of saline.
Comment is really appreciated.
Hi Maddie
I have a Flutter Device which I got on free on prescription years ago. I haven't used it much, but it does seem to help when I am particularly mucusy.
I have not heard of the Aerobika.
Hope you feel better very soon.
Best regards
I have tried both, the aerobica and acapella devices. Neither one was effective for me.Nebulizing with 7% sodium chloride solution is what really worked for me.