Hi all firstly I would just like to say what a helpful site this is to people and found that reading the posts makes me feel alot better that other people are going through something similar as me and I'm not alone.
My problems started a few years ago I started to become short of breath while going up stairs I had been a smoker for many years before but gave up about 8 years ago. I then kept waking up in the night and was having acid reflux and was coughing up white foamy pleghm in the morning and peeing lots for ages especially in the night, I also had slight ankle swelling.
I started to keep fit again and the problems seem to go away but then recently I started to feel out of breath again so I booked a doctor's appointment and when I saw him he said my pulse was very high but blood pressure was okay, I said it must be as I'm stressed and he said he needed to keep an eye on it, funny thing was though I had been sweating for weeks earlier and walking round with my top off in the house, that night after seeing the doctor I went to bed and I got up and ran down stairs as usual for a glass of water and then it started my heart was beating like 400 miles an hour and I felt dizzy I managed to crawl in bed and it stopped and I finally went to sleep.
I woke up in the morning and my heart was beating fast and hard for 4 days I thought I must have an infection but I left it and just laid on couch for 4 days until I couldn't take no more that I ended up going to a &e were they did and ECG and sent me for an xray were they found a shadow on my lung and said I had a lung infection and gave me antibiotics.
I went home and took these antibiotics and my heart didn't stop so I went to doctors who have me another ECG and decided to give me bispoprolol at 2.5 mgs and I have been taking them ever since nearly 6 months, I've not felt right ever since and tried to come off the bispoprolol but can't seem to do it as I came off one time and my heart went like 400 miles an hour again so I went back on them but I have tried to cut down to half.
I noticed my lips have gone a purple colour and my fingernails are a bluish colour and the tips of my fingers are red and cold hands and my tongue has a slight bluish colour to it, I have shown the doctors at the surgery this and a&e and they say it's all in my head and gave me mirtazipine saying it was stress and anxiety and I know it isn't.
I decided to buy a pulse oximeter and I tested my oxygen and it's roughly between 90 -94 when I'm at home warm but if I get up and start walking around it goes up to 97 -98 plus when I'm stressed and my heart is beating hard it's about 97 so when I have seen the doctor's and showed them it's always normal but then I go home and get warm and it's between 90- 94 again.
I decided to take videos and photos of this so the doctor believes me and I found a good doctor who listened to me and they sent me for a chest x-ray to see if all was okay after the shadow on my lung and that has gone and came back normal, but he now wants to do a echocardiogram at the hospital so I'm waiting for an appointment.
This is really worrying me I'm struggling walking anymore and I used to go hiking kayaking mountain climbing cycling etc and now I'm like a zombie.
My question is this has anyone else had similar problems and what was the outcome of the tests.
Thank you for looking sorry it's a long winded question but I appreciate any response.
Kind regards