After my COPD annual review in August 20119 - I was sent for an X Ray which showed a shadow - Follow up X Ray the same.
A number of CT Scans and a Pet Scan would show I still had the shadow which had spread to the Left-Lung from my Right Lung.
Concern was shown from Specialist number one - However his replacement said the shadow was scar's on my lung, and maybe exposure to Asbestos in my early life - he then for - that discharged me.
So I had 16 months of hell - who would not have? - I have had lung scarring since the 1990's when t showed up on a routine Chest X Ray.
Makes me wonder why it was in one APEX in August but 4 months later a scarring had in their words (spread) from one Apex to another.
So I said I would update when these episodes of scans had ended - The finding was that I did not have Lung Cancer but scarring.
So all investigations ended, case closed so to speak - Do I feel better - Short answer is NO -But this sorry episode of 16 months of misery has ended and thanks to all those who posted my previous threads