Has anyone tried this ? I bought a bottle yesterday and it is only 500mg but have only read good things. Any information would be great.
CBD OIL : Has anyone tried this ? I... - Lung Conditions C...

I'm seriously thinking of it for IBS.
This has been discussed on here a few times so have a look at previous posts/replies x
It anecdotally is an anti inflammatory. Were you given any instructions?
CBD is very effective for numerous conditions. Now legal in most United States, it is the non-hallucinogenic portion of cannabis. Used for pain management, seizures in children, side effects of cancer treatment, neurological disorders, the list goes on and on. Some of cbd had be obtained with THE trace amounts, which then should not be taken if operations g vehicles or machinery. Research is your best first step and discuss with medical professionals.
I am also Seriously thinking of using it, Will ask at my next Consultant Appointment in March. So many Good reports I have read in various places. mainly Here. xxx
I believe that the UK are going to ban this
It certainly helps with pain, but no difference in my COPD, asthma, chest infections or Bronchiectasis! Pleas let us know if it helps you!
Do much research. It is an unregulated product as far as contents, testing and actual dosage of what you think you are getting. Your bottle says "Cannabis Oil"...not CBD! I suspect there is a difference. How many mg's of actual real CBD is there is every dropper full? It could contain none!
I knew someone 5 years ago who used CBD oil in an attempt to fight her cancer. It did work as far as the side effects of chemo (you could not tell she was undergoing chemo treatments). She was also in school, and working full time. But she did die of ovarian cancer.
They are trying to recategorise it as a " Novel Food supplement" !?! Regulators might stop it being available if UK Food Standards Agency decide to follow EU Directive. Whatever next!
I take Cbd oil and whilst it’s difficult to tell whether it’s the Cbd or my vitamin regime/ supplements, I think it, or the combination helps me to ward off infections. Now on month 5 free of infections (fingers crossed) ... after back to back antibiotics for 4 months last year. It also helps my breathing but doesn’t work like that for everyone apparently.
I tried cbd oil 3 months ago and my blood pressure medication stopped working , my blood pressure went up and up.
After some research I discovered this can be the case with some medications if you take them at the same time.
I stopped the cbd oil and restarted last week taking my meds In The morning and cbd oil at night . Now my blood pressure is fine and I am sleeping for the first time in over a year . I took 2 drops under the tongue first week , 3 last week and maybe will increase to 4 next week , but they say start slowly.