Hi there,so I've just started CBD oil . I get a very dry mouth and bring up alot of phelm,has this happened to anyone please.
Cbd: Hi there,so I've just started CBD... - Lung Conditions C...

What’s your condition?
Don’t know anything about the oil,but I would think that perhaps it’s a positive,bringing up the phlegm,at least it’s not sitting on your chest. I hope someone else has more answers for you
Hi I’ve been thinking about this cbd oil myself as people who’ve told me about it view it in a positive light,the only thing that’s held me back is the amount of other medicines I’m precribed,if it would have any affect on me by reacting negatively with all of my other meds,are you taking other regular meds,if so has it reacted and Made you feel ill or anything,I myself have copd,take regular meds and don’t want to make things worse for myself by trying cbd oil...fenty.
Hi....I have thought about this oil also. But what can it do for our Lungs? If it helps..yes I'm game...but if it doesn't......No. Interesting Post!JANET127
I’m with you on that,I’ve asked my gp his thoughts on cbd oil,but as you’d expect it was negative and he didn’t want to pursue it any further,my thinking is that if cbd oil could help with no affect on our copd,and it helped in at least halving the amount of pain meds I’m precribed every month,it could save the nhs a heck of a lot of money on my regular Repeat’s,I shudder to think how much it costs the nhs every 28 days for my meds,by all accounts cbd oil is safe but i don’t personally know anyone who has copd that’s used it,our gps aren’t ever going to agree with anything that’s not prescribed or reccomended so I’ll not ask him again,id definitely be willing to try at least once if i were certain i didn’t end up in a & e with difficulties,i was due to start a pain management programme this week but on the advice of my respiratory consultant they’ve said to leave it just yet and do the pulmonary rehab course that will be more beneficial and a lot less exertive for me,i would have had a word with the occupational therapist/physio to see what their views on cbd oil for pain were,but can’t do that now,have you been on a pulmonary rehab course,if so did you find it helpful ,ive spoken to a small few people who have mixed views as to if they benefitted from it,i had my pneumonia vaccine and blood,breathing and ecg test done this week ready to start soon and I’m looking forward to meeting other people with copd like myself and learning how to manage and cope with it...fenty.
Yes...I loved Rehab! You learn so much mentally and Physically!!!! I could breathe much better after a few weeks of it! Go for it ...you will be happy you did!!! It also gets those happy little endorfenions in your brain and multiplies them! Janet127
Thanks for the encouragement,I’m more up for this than the pain management programme,plus it will be nice to talk to other people with copd and find out how they’ve learned to manage and cope with it,and I’m hoping it won’t be as intense as the pain programme sounded like it was going to be,I’m ok doing things at a snails pace,but over exertion and trying to do more than I’m able leaves me feeling like my airways have closed and my chest/lungs are on fire,I’m learning from lots of people like yourself about copd and the way it can and does affect us,so the advice and help is invaluable to me,I’m only a few months diagnosed,so thankyou for the encouragement regarding pulmonary rehab,best wishes to you...fenty.
I have been on CBD for about three months. I take one half dropper at night before bed. Said I would give it at least 6 months as I seem to do with anything new. I sleep like a log and my arthritis seems to have somewhat disappeared. As far as any benefit for COPD have not noticed and yet reducing inflammation and getting better sleep has to be a benefit. Good luck
As far as phelm is concerned I go through my period of hacking and nose blowing for about a half hour every morning. It is a lot and whether it is more I have no idea although maybe sleeping so well may generate more. So I don't know how it could be worse but once I am done I am good to go for most of the day.
I have been wanting to try this oil for a long time now. 2 Negatives, 1) Consultant,2) hubby thinks I will become addicted, I know it probably wont change my COPD, but it may ease the RA, which is now in my Knees (had a Hip Replacement) I do all the correct exercises. xxx
I am on emergency treatment for my rheumatoid at the moment but the steroids are just not doing anything for the pain, so am using cbd oil at nightime to help me sleep, it helps a little but hasnt changed anything with phelgm or given me a dry mouth. Hope it us helping with whatever you are using it for x
I have been using CBD for arthritic pain for 18 months now. I gave up all the opiates after two months and have never gone back. I still have pain but at a managable level