hi lovely people hope you all having a good breathing day x so had anyone got any advice or has tried cbd oil for there copd ? any advice feed back much appreciated regards Davy boy xx
CBd oil ?: hi lovely people hope you... - Lung Conditions C...
CBd oil ?

Sorry Dave never heard of it. But I'll look it up. What's going on with you. Are you going down the Transplant cos I have what you have and it's. Tough this illness I know there's worse or more painful and etc but in its own way it's. A real ???? But. The only way to beat it is though staying strong as can be only good fresh food staying as active as possiable like best a hour a day I know that's a real test but if you can do half on a bad day and 1 hour on a good it will help you in the long run we was made to work hard. And function so much better ok. Mate. Take care. PJ
Yea. Dave I just looked it up. Looks interesting but there's a lot of choice and big price difference. Have you been recommended one.
Dave I just found a real good one it's one you pour on salads or can drink it's the one I have choose. Trying to send link but it easier if I send post and can sure pic from my pics
Ok that's great you can find me on fb or messenger
CBD hemp oil or hempseed oil (which is legal in U.K.) is not the same as cannabis oil ( illegal in U.K.) as many advocate using as some form of treatment. Don’t waste your money. Hemp oil is sold as food supplement with a small percentage of actual CBD the rest is fish oil and vitamins.
Thanks stone I'm trying to find out if there is any benifit for copd in cannabis oil ? and any one who has used it and any results ? as with all of us will try anything and look at every avenue ! do understand there is no miracle cure but I'm putting drugs in my system in the way of inhailers anyway and sometimes when I stay off them I feel slightly better ??
I have tried pure hemp oil from the supermarket.....I think it's made from hemp seeds, and tastes OK, while Cbd oil is made from the plant, I think , comes in tiny bottles with they say a very strong taste.
Check out on the Internet to see the difference between the oils , it is confusing as I think the US and the U.K. have different definitions too.
Hi I’ve purchased a small bottle of cbd oil but haven’t really noticed any change yet I’ve only had it 5 days, will see if I helps by the time the bottle is finished but I really cannot see it making much difference right now. I will post again if I notice any difference, but at the moment I’m thinking it’s a waste of money, only time will tell, breath easy
CBD Oil (Cannabidiol , which is cannabis without the intoxicating effect) is freely available in England but will probably not help you, although it won't hurt to try it. FECO (full extract cannabis oil) is available where cannabis is legal and can help considerably as it is an anti inflamatory and aids sleep. Since I've been using it I haven't had an exacerbation
I believe the cannabis oil produced where it is legal to use has proved immensely beneficial for many conditions. I tried what is legal in this country (UK) from Amazon and my verdict is expensive and useless.