I have a pain in the centre of my chest. It feels muscular. It usually only happens at night when I lie down but recently it's began to bother me during the day. Anyone any ideas?
Pain in centre of chest: I have a pain... - Lung Conditions C...
Pain in centre of chest

We’re not medics so can’t, and shouldn’t attempt to, diagnose what it might be. It’s essential you see your gp, if only to rule out anything serious. But, something which causes me central chest pain is oesophageal spasm. I’ve had tests which show my heart etc is fine. The spasms are caused when the valve between diaphragm & stomach is weakened eg by years of acid reflux. The oesophagus is a big muscle so spasms are very painful. I take anti-reflux meds and gaviscon.
But you definitely need to see your gp!
Hi. I have Angina, OA which can affect chest and Acid Reflux. Thing is most chest pains are not heart related, but they can be. Be on the safe side and see your GP, even if it is not cardiac, acid reflux needs attention or can get worse. Joint pains can be sorted with pain killers, so it will pay you to go and see your GP. In fact you really should...
My central chest pain is acid reflux and muscle spasm and a motility problem (my swollow is out of sink). But it could be many things so a trip to your gp is your best corse of action.
Good morning. Does it get tighter as if your begin pulled by rope and on inside is pushing out fighting it
If you stand it also get worst !!!
Then please get to doctors & get it checked. My lovely copd Doctor refer me to another & tomorrow I have a Ct scan .
It’s miserable being in pain
Hope to hear back from you with good news
As all the other posts have said, do see your gp at the first opportunity.
It’s not worth taking a risk with chest pain, it’s really not.
Good wishes, hope you find the cause of the pain very soon.
You do need to see a doctor I have the same as most on here I have none cardiac pain NCP which is like having a heart attack But it’s not I have nutcracker which is pretty bad I’ve had Botox injections 2 years ago now they feed me with nutricia fortisip as eating is just no good to me I take omperzole 80mg so go to doctors I hope I have given you something to ask the doctor
Good luck
I went to see my doctor as I had chest pain and he said he thought it was acid reflux and gave me Gaviscon to take late evening before I went to bed, it happened to be right but I suggest you see your doc as it might not be the same case with you, so be safe and get yourself to your doc. Xx