The on going Haemoplilis bug seems to have take hold again. Had 7 days of Co Amoxiclav & felt better but today feel yuck again 😣
How many days should I take "Rescue A... - Lung Conditions C...
How many days should I take "Rescue Antibiotics" for ?

My Rescue Pack comprises of a complete course of antibiotics and steroids, so I take them until they are all gone, the whole course. If you feel no better then see your doctor again asap.
Thanks 2greys the surgery only gave me 7 days worth I thought Bronchiectasis folks usually needed longer courses. Already on prophalactic Doxy
Oh dear here we go again. GPs no nothing about treating bronchiectasis. It should be 14 days. Ring your consultant’s secretary and get the consultant to write to the GP with the correct protocol for treating you. Give it time to arrive then go to your GP and check that they have received and read it. Exhausting I know but it’s in our own interests.

Thank you my GP is very good & seeing her today so will ask her to amend it. Thought one week didn't sound like my Consultant advice x
I can’t type this morning! Know!