I was diagnosed with copd in 2005. I was on life support for 2 days once, and for 13 days again about 6 years ago. nobody can believe I recovered like I have. (I am complete functional now, took me about 6 mo to be on my own again, god loves me!) I was completely helpless when I was taken off. couldn't do hardly anything for myself. wheelchair etc. I was In hospital every 3 or 4 mo for a couple years before being intubated. I quit smoking when I came out of hospital. and have only been back in hosp 2 times (for very short stays) since I quit.
back to my question, I have had 5 CT's (maybe a couple more I cant remember) in the last 4 years. I am having pain in my middle back and they did a regular xray looking for hairline fractures from osteoporosis, but found none. now they are wanting me to have another CT they always want the one with the dye. It worries me that I have had so many already. plus all the other plain xrays, and an mri. the pain is mostly when I am using my arms, and sit, it mostly goes away if I lay down or am moving around. amy feedback would be appreciated.