1st Post on my lung condition,sorry i... - Lung Conditions C...

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1st Post on my lung condition,sorry if very long post.

dindy profile image
13 Replies

Hi All. Came onto this forum as I am a member of Healthunlocked C25K & Bridge to 10K so seemed natural to do so. I went for a spirometry test on Nov 8th then back to see nurse specializing in chronic disease management today on 13th November.

I started smoking late in life at about 45 years old and packed up 2 years ago when I had pleurisy at 69 years. Although not a severe case it was enough to make me stop smoking.

Anyway once I had pleurisy I started to get short of breath at certain times. I was prescribed ventolin which was used most days. Then I discovered C25K and took up running or in my case jogging. This was a 9 week course to achieve running for 30 mins without stopping which I achieved.

This was a definite changer in my health as not only was my heart stronger but my lungs also although I have to say at times I was so gasping for breath I held my breath if that makes sense. I found after taking up jogging could breathe normally and never used my ventolin at all in 6 months, and then I got a chest infection!!!!

1st chest infection lasted about 2 weeks and was cleared up with amoxicillin & prednisolone + ventolin and I was ok for about 7 months-ish. I again started to get out of breath jogging and I knew something was not right, the result was another chest infection which overall lasted 4 weeks and was cleared up with Amoxicillin & prednisolone+ ventolin . I then went for about 4 weeks with no short breath, no wheezing and able to jog for 3 miles without even getting out of breath!!

Then about 3 weeks after that I thought I had another infection coming on as I was starting to wheeze and getting short of breath every day & night. Went to doctors and he asked the colour of my phlegm which was clear. No infection so gave me 5 days of prednisolone which cleared the wheezing and hence shortness of breath up.

I think in this case it may have been my fault as I got wet running and I only had 2 T shirts on, no coat!! I had a shower as soon as I got home but damage was done. Within one day I was wheezing & had mucus but hardly any coughing.

Again went to docs but this time saw a nurse who said using just ventolin for about 18 months with no preventer inhaler was not the way to go and no wonder I was always struggling. She prescribed Forstair 100/6 and man what a life changer that has been , no wheezing at all no coughing or shortness of breath unless of course I go for a run and no mucus. Best of all I can lay down & go to sleep!!

Finally they sent me for a spirometry test and she said for my lungs are at about 50% but not that bad for a 71 year short male!!!! I then went today to see the nurse who deals with chronic disease management. Peak flow test was 360. Because of different symptoms she said I have very mild copd, I think emphysema as something to do with lung sacks? Also have asthma as dust effects me.

She was not too worried about copd as very mild then again it always starts off very mild. I at the moment have stopped taking ventolin now I am on forstair 100/6 and feel my breathing is good. I understand with lungs at 50% why I get out of breath running, anyway another 2 mile run Wednesday. I got to see the nurse again in 4 weeks!!

Hope this 1st post is not too long as I have not spoke at length to anyone really about my condition.

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dindy profile image
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13 Replies
newlands profile image

Welly dindy welcome we are here for You anytime you need to talk to someone

Take care


sassy59 profile image

Welcome dindy and your post was good. Nice to have background info. You’ve certainly been keeping fit and come and chat anytime. Xxx

2greys profile image

Hi dindi, I have no experience of asthma. I do however have Emphysema and other health issues. I am pleased that Fostair is suiting you, I find it very good too. Well done with the exercise, keep it up, exercise is very important for both the lungs and the heart, but I think that I am preaching to the converted on that. You have already quit smoking, so the only remaining points are you must eat a healthy diet, maintaining a good BMI and religiously taking your meds, even if you don't think you need them. Have no fear about getting breathless, you will recover, in fact exercise to the point of being moderately breathless.

You have a fair bit to learn about how to manage the disease, a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Course will help you achieve this, ask your GP for a referral to it. Also ask to be prescribed with a "Spacer" it is a device that you fit your inhaler into one end, spray the inhaler and slowly breath in the contents from the other end. It is a much more efficient way of using the inhaler and you get more of the medicine inside your lungs instead of it ending up on your tongue or hitting the back of your throat.

Also ask about an "Emergency Rescue Pack" which is antibiotics and steroids for use when you get an infection, it is important to get on top of any infection before it causes more damage to your lungs. As you have found out, we are very susceptible to getting chest infections, for that reason you must try to stay away from people who are ill themselves. Personal hygiene is also as important so lots of hand washing especially after touching things in public such as handles and keep you hands away from your face when out.

There is so much to learn from the members here that have lived with this disease for many years. Any questions, just ask, no question is silly, we were all newbies to it at one point.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to 2greys

MY Practice will not do rescue meds no matter what I say about my old one doing it for years!

jackdup profile image

Welcome to the group and no your post was not too long. I enjoyed reading your background as Sassy mentioned.

Hacienda profile image

Hi & Welcome Hun. As all here have said we listen and help. You have done all the right things, now maintain that level. Your 71, with 50% lung capacity, which a good level, Mild COPD. I am 66 Level 4 Emphysema with 26%, and waiting Double Lung Trx. I remain as fit as I can, positive and I enjoy every day that is given... Stay Strong Hun. Love n Hugs. Carolina. XXXX

cara4116 profile image

Welcome Dindy. I too am new to this group as a Bronchiectasis sufferer, but everyone is so kind and helpful. I hope you find it as supportive as I am. Looking forward to hearing more from you. xxoo Carol

Tugun profile image

You perhaps also need to build up your immune system.

Izb1 profile image

Hi dindy and welcome, sounds like you have a good grip on your condition and you are keeping active. Staying away from infections is the hardest. Its good that you can run or jog, Im afraid I cant even run for the bus nowadays, although I am busy most days and walk alot, it does keep your heart and lungs healthy. Irene x

lKeith profile image


Hi this running thing has got to be good, I can't walk 12 paces without I'm breathless & take anything up to 20 minutes to recover, keep it up it sounds good.

There are treatments out there that may help you but discuss these with your lung specialist, Lung coils & lung valves can improve your lot further.


HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to lKeith

I know right? I am totally in awe of dindy. Even as a child I couldn’t run and I certainly can’t now. Walking I can do, sometimes I can walk for hours. I am seriously impressed by this guy. I hope you’re doing as well as can be IKeith.

Offcut profile image

Welcome to BFL HU looks like you are doing very well! I wish I could walk 3 miles, let alone run it!

Be Well

dindy profile image

Thank you all for you kind replies and encouragement. This is certainly a new road for me and a lot to learn.As far as my running is concerned you all or most of you can do it!! When I started healthunlocked C25K I literally could not run for 1 minute yet I could fast walk for 30 mins.

Russell Winwood is at stage 4 copd with 22-30% 0f lung capacity and had a stroke 10 years ago. He would not let this stop him living his dream of running a marathon so he trained and has done several marathons!!!

Not saying we could do a marathon but age & to a certain point health should not stop us trying to get fitter. Like a lot of people I almost fainted when someone mentioned running but now I can do it.

What I have come to learn & accept is I got to stop & walk every few mins sometimes to catch my breath ,sometimes I do, in fact it is called "Jeffing" This is a technique developed by Jeff Galloway a 10,000 Olympian. You run or gently jog for say 2 mins then walk for 1 minute or whatever combination suits you. For people who have trouble breathing etc this is a perfect way to exercise to get your heart & lungs stronger.

You will struggle at times like we all did/do but they are a good crowd on C25K and help you all the time.

If you think you are able to do this and your health allows, give it a go and you will be surprised.

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