Hi. Fellow sufferers hope you are easy breathing today. I am getting anxious about a bone scan I have to have on Monday. Do you have to take your clothes off? As this is a big issue for me mentally. Physically as well but it is the mental thing that is the main problem. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Dexa bone scan anxiety.: Hi. Fellow... - Lung Conditions C...
Dexa bone scan anxiety.

Hi Tilantoe, please don’t worry. Pete had a dexa bone scan and didn’t have to undress. It was all very straightforward. Hope all goes well for you. Xxxx
Thankyou so much. It probably sounds very trivial to be anxious about removing my clothes. And I know it's daft to feel the way I do. But, this has been on going since a child and has not Improved. I can now relax. Its not the scan i am anxious about. Really good to know I can stay fully clothed.
I think it's very similar to x-ray so may not even have to get undressed but don't quote me on that as different areas have different rules. I'm sure if you explain to staff your concerns and you do have to wear a gown of sorts that your privacy and dignity will be catered for as it should be in any appointment try not to worry I'm sure it will go well 😊😊

Hi you can stop worrying, I have had a few Decades scans and never had to undress. Let us know how you get on, hope everything ok.
😊 Bernadette xx
I have had a few DEXA scans.....never had to undress, just shoes off.
I can't remember if I wore any jewellery though.
You just have to lie down for a short time while the arm of the machine moves over you.
Just make sure you don;t wear anything with zips. Buttons or velcro is fine. I have Osteoporosis so have a DEXA around every 3 years. The main areas they will be looking at is your spine and hips. XXX
Hi you don't need take anything off for bone density scan, you just lie different positions nothing to worry about.
Hi Tilantoe
You should have an information leaflet in with your letter of appointment which tells you about the Dexa scan and what you should and should not wear. The not being NO METAL fastenings (zips, buttons decorative items) Wear loose comfortable clothing, track suit bottoms etc, nothing restricting.
Check your appointment letter for the patient information leaflet. If for any reason you have mislaid it or you didn't receive one, search google "dexa scan patient information leaflet" followed by the hospital name doing your scan. (you should be able to download a pdf document.)

Hi. I have just read the leaflet and my Anxiety has now gone through the roof. It says bone scanning now requires all patients to FULLY UNDRESS and put on a gown. Please wear clothing that is easy to remove.!!!! What can I do?
Unheard of in UK for Dexa scan.
Is the leaflet named Dexa Scan?
or Chest Xray?
Even chest xray you don't have to remove clothing if you are not wearing a bra or anything with metal.
I think you need to be sure what exactly it is you are attending the hospital for, perhaps ring the department concerned about your pending tests, scans, examination, quoting your referenced letter with your queries and concerns, and from there you can agree or not agree, its your choice!

The leaflet says bone densitometry. And they are scanning for signs of osteoporosis. But it was printed in 2012 and reviewed in 2014. Could it be just an old outdated leaflet? Should I tell them I have no metal or fastening so do not need to remove clothing?
Hi do not worry a lot of places don't require you to undress for these scans unless you have trousers on, they usually xray the knee and hip on one side and it is not closed in like the ones for full body scan. Best Wishes.
I wore a skirt and top and all I had to take off was my shoes.
I wore trousers and just had to pull the zip down and loosen them slightly. No need to take them off.
Hi there. I have these every year as a breast cancer survivor you don't get undressed just lie on a bed and they put the scanner over wherever they need to mine was my hips and legs nothing whatsoever to worry about just like lying on a bed you don't feel a thing
Hi Tilantoe, I had one of these done about 10 years ago. I did not need to undress, there was just one female nurse present in a small room and you are welcome to have a relative sit right outside. Since you suffer from anxiety I would suggest you bring something to blackout the light from your eyes as it is very bright and could trigger you. Apart from that, it is very easy, honestly!
My Last one ,CT Scan, last month, I did not have to undress, As a Woman, they ask if you wear Underwired Bra, Because I know when I'm having X.Ray & Scans, I do not wear one and have a Lose Top on and leggings. I do have Ostio, result of Bone Scan a few years ago. Never had to take cloths off. Good Luck.
Hi..oh that’s really nothing..just like an xray..I think the worst was laying on a very stiff uncomfortable table for a while..take care x
Don’t panic there is nothing to it I promise
I've had two, took my clothes off in a cubicle and put hospital gown on, put my own dressing gown on top
Hi just a thought I can’t remember my Dexa scan but I do know with an ordinary x Ray you can’t have anything metal ie bra or trouser fastening. Good luck xx
Hi, My wife's just had one. Had to undo her bra because of the metal fastener, otherwise no issues.
Geoff U
Hi.no u leave clothes on but no zips or bras. Or metal. It dos.nt hurt.
No it is really simple nothing to worry about you lie down fully clothed and a small machine passes over you good luck
Defo keep your clothes on. I did, they just moved my legs in different positions for the scan.
If it's a bone density test you have to have done. No you don't take any clothes off it's kind of like an x-ray machine but it only x-rays your back and hip at one time. It takes a matter of 10 minutes that's it