Hi all. Newbe here. Few months back attended my local A&E with breathing problem. Found small cavity right upper lung and plural thickening.
Dr explained could be lung cancer, bacterial or fungal
I was immediately put on rapid cancer diagnosis pathway, which was really frightening. PET scan showed intense uptake. CT guided biopsy negative for cancer, which was obviously huge relief.
Nothing came back from Broncoscopy wash. Dr believes unlikely to be TB. Thinks it could be NTM or Aspergilliosis . Waiting on results of induced sputum test and further batch of blood tests and CT
This has been going on for saveral months now. Really frustrating and anxiety provoking not knowing what cause is.
Has anyone had similar experience ?
Did you get a diagnosis in the end?
My Dr saying if they can't isolate cause they might find consider surgery, which seems a bit extreme!