just been put on clarithromycin for c... - Lung Conditions C...
just been put on clarithromycin for chest infection iwas wondering is it a good antibiotic

Big yellow tab? It found it very good for me but I'm not a medical person in any way Jimmy
Hi Jimmy what you doing with a chest infection in this lovely weather Yes strong antibiotic got rid of my very bad chest infection in 3 days it was the first chest infection I had ever had and I left in too long before going to GP first lot didn’t touch it so I was another week with it and I just couldn’t breath coughing all day and all night so weak so you will be ok. Take care xxx
Forgot to say apparently you cannot take them with statins you have to stop the satatins for 2 weeks take care xxx
Yes, very good - always read the leaflet thoroughly though. Good luck and get well soon. P
Hi jimmy
It’s not as black and white as whether Clarith is a good antibiotic or not. It is only good if the bacteria you are growing is sensitive to this ab. Hope it works for you.
Yes exalent worked a treat, on the right infection. That dosent mean it will work well on all infections, without a sputum test it s trile and error as wich arethe right antibiotics. Amoxilin followed by doxyciclin then clarithromycin and aritromycin and so on untill the infection is done all have interesting (horrable) side effects. I hope they work well for you
Ps, please excuse my spelling. Something iv always been bad at
Hia yes best ever but do take a probiotics with .
Hi .,,, yes it’s a brill antibiotic . I have Bronchiectasis and was always given Doxycycline by my GP . However last Xmas I contracted pneumonia and was admitted to hospital. There they immediately put me on Clarithromycin and from now on I have always requested this . My chest consultant told me last year that this a better antibiotic for chest infections .
Hope u feel better soon .... xx
I had nausea with flucloxacillin so was given Clara instead it was for cellulitis flare up and it worked a treat. Hope it helps you x
Any anti biotic is good if it works.
But it's more complicated than you might think: I, like many others, am amoxicillin resistant for example with at least one bacteria (maxorella catarrhalis) so then no good for me, but it works on it in some people.
Clarithromycin worked well on it for me, though .. but may not on other bacterial infections. Agree have to stay off statins while taking it - although I was told to stay off only 'for a couple of days after'.