Hello again.
Well 4 weeks on and now on second course of amoxillin (500mg 3x daily) and it's just the same as it was before, 3 days into the antibiotic course and I begin to start feeling a bit better, then on day four it's back to the start again. I might as well take 3 smarties a day for all the good this amoxillin is doing.
My problem is (it doesn't help at all) I have severer treatment resistand depression, GAD and OCD, plus I'm a raging hypochondriac (that's down to my ocd as it is health related) And now that my chest infection hasn't gone I'm convinced myself it's lung cancer.
I quit smoking 6 years ago but smoked for nearly 45 years quite heavilly, and I know that this can bring on lung cancer, even though youhave quit.
My symptoms are usual of a chest infection, or at least I think they are.
When I get out of bed in the morning it takes me about an hour to cough up all the gunk that has accumaleted on my chest overnight, it is like a watery substance, not green or yellow. when all that is over I don't feel too bad for the rest of the day, although if I push myself a bit to far I do get a little more breathless than usual. I have started taking my ventolin, I've been perscribed this for the past 5 years but have had no need to take it as I don't usually get breathless, well not to the extent that I need the ventolin anyway.
Is this normal for us moderate copd'ers to get these type of infections that simply refuse to go away.
I am beginning to make myself ill again through worry, and I'm too scared to go to the doctors again in case he sends me for x-rays as I'm terrified they might find something.
To be honest, if it wasn't for the effect my death would have on my grown up children and wife I think I would end it all, as I am sick to death of living in terror.
sorry to sound like a wimp, but I just can't help it
thank's for listening