After having surgery on 21st Feb 2018 for a hip replacement I have now got a P.E. I have had this for 2 months and am on apixaban. How long is it before the pain in my lungs and breathlessness go away. I was told to take the apixaban for 3 months and then go to a respiratory clinic the week after I finished them. No other info at all.
Hi I'm new so don't know what to ask. - Lung Conditions C...
Hi I'm new so don't know what to ask.

Welcome Pollyanna, what a horrible thing to happen to you. I would contact your medical professional and tell them how you are feeling and ask to speak with someone face to face. I wish you well. Xxxx
Hello and welcome to the forum. It will be closed now but the BLF have a helpline on 03000 030 555 where you an ask about timescales, etc. They will be open on Monday (office hours) if you are in the UK.
In the meantime why not check out the leaflets that the BLF provide about pulmonary embolisms:
It may help you narrow down what you need to know.
Hello Pollyanna
Your story is very similar to mine. I got PEs after a hip replacement operation. First I must stress that 98% of people who get PEs make a full recovery. And they can take a while to resolve. So be patient. But unfortunately there is a small —— small —- percentage of patients in whom the clots do not resolve. And I was one of the unlucky ones and went to develop chronic thromboembolic disease. So statistics are on your side.
Because your story is so similar to mine may I ask you about the procedures for your operation? In my case the surgeon did not prescribe adequate post-operative anti-coagulation in spite of my telling him that there was a history of thrombosis in my family. I was a naive innocent. Did you get given Clexane or Heparin after your operation?
Hang in there but pester your doctors.
All the best, and if you feel comfortable I should like to know more.
Hi. after the operation I was given 28 days of anticoagulant to inject into my stomach and basically that was it. I did this faithfully and 5 days after finishing them Bam P.E. So back in hospital again for 4 days until they decided what medication to give me and then sent home with 3 months supply of apixaban. Once again no further info.