Hi everyone one as promised I'd keep you informed .Met with the surgeon at the Royal Brompton Hospital this morning .He is a really nice man in fact everyone there is .I will be having my LVRS operation in the next 2 to 3 weeks .I'm over the moon that it is going to be so quick , but glad that I can recover over the summer and hopefully be fighting fit by the time next winter comes .I'm buzzing but obviously also scared but being in the best chest hospital in the country consoles me .So it's onwards and upwards .Thank you for being there for me .Xxx love Babs ♥️
Update: Hi everyone one as promised I'd... - Lung Conditions C...

Great news Babs,you have beaten me to the operating table for the same procedure and i wish you the very best of luck,but given the skills and reputation of your hospital luck is not in the equation,just first class treatment and a steady recovery i imagine,hope all goes according to plans...........regards Ski's and Scruffy x
Wow that is quick babs I will most certainly be thinking of you and sending posative thoughts your way x I got a scan tomorrow to see how the nodules are doing then in a lung function machine sometime after the scan if I pass all tests then off up to see consultant at Brompton to see iaboit surgery same as yours regards david x

Well I'm so pleased for you, hope all goes well. Love Bernadette 😳 xx
The Brompton is a great place to be having your op Babs and I’m sure all will be well.
Thinking of you. Xxxx
Congratulations to you! Like other members(who really know their stuff when it comes to hospitals,waiting times and procedures)have said,it will be fantastic to learn of your experience and obviously I type this with good wishes to you.
Good luck with that. A friend had this done 5 years ago and they took away half of her left lung. She said she was sore and in a bit of pain for around 6 weeks afterwards but then felt fantastic. Ok she was in her mid 30's and didn't have lung disease (the surgery was a result of 5 pneumonias over a few years) but I think you will be fighting fit long before the winter. x
They are going to cut half my lung away but I know it's for the best .I'm 70 but a young 70 and apart from my breathing I'm basically healthy so I'm hoping my life will be much better after .xxx
Best of luck and hope the op goes well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery .
Great news Babs, so we could be having it done at the same time, mine being 7th June. Mine is being done at Nottingham City Hospital, my Transplant will be QE Birmingham Transplant Unit. Both Excellent Hospitals. Keep in Touch Babs, you may have yours done before me. Live n hugs Xxxx Carolina Xxxx❤❤❤
Good news. Good luck and a speedy recovery next year the marathon!!!! At least you will be able to face the winter with a new outlook
Great news Babe. As you say, you're in the best hands. All good wishes. Please keep us updated as it's intriguing to learn of the results of this procedure. xxx
Fantastic news! All the very best to you. Please stay Intouch with us? ✋️😉x
What fantastic news. I was interested to hear that you are 70 and having LVRS. I am seeing my specialist on 23rd May and am hoping for a referal to the Royal Brompton. I really hope it all goes well for you and please let us know how you are going. All the best . Kate
I had to meet certain criteria and I've already been in for two days to see if my lungs were suitable which they were I am a young 70 and I'm hoping I get my life back .Will keep you informed .❤️love Babs x
Hi Babs, I forgot to say that I am a 'young' 73, so desparately hoping for the same chance as you. love Kate x Can't wait to know how you get on!!x
Good uck with your operation you are in very good hands
Hi Dave , I had LVRS surgery done 18 months ago! Wow what a life changer it is I was lucky enough to get it done through keyhole surgery. I was in Glasgow Golden Jubilee hospital for 5 days. I sailed through the recovery! 2 month later I was cycling a bicycle my lung function went from 21% to 50% I have Bullous emphysema & COPD. They removed the whole top of my left lung. They wanted to do my right lung also after my recovery but I felt I’d prefer to wait until I declined again to the stage I was at. The lung specialist agreed with me! I was 46 years old once I got the op. I have declined back to FEV1 of 36 %. But I have gained a lot of weight since my op so that ain’t helping but I have lost some of my weight gain I can really feel a massive difference. I do hope you have s speedy recovery like myself! Also feel a massive difference like I have enjoying life once again , I know the thought of the op is a daunting experience but honestly it ain’t as bad as we think ....
Great news. All the best for the op and have a speedy recovery.
You’re right Babs, he is really nice. I saw him on Friday last, and he gave me as much time as I needed to discuss everything. You’ll probably be looked after in princess Alex ward, and the nurses are lovely. You’ll be fine!