Hi all I've been suggested for lvrs I would be very interested to hear any news help from people who have had this surgery and can give me some advice or help as what to expect thank you regards David x
Lvrs: Hi all I've been suggested for... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Dave, search my posts as I wrote a lot at the time I had my LVRS so there is a lot of info.
No. I passed all the test. But. Saying I knew. Pycological support. Review after. 6 months well this September. I have do for 4 hours a week breathing rehab. Get of methadone. My. Housing is a joke a have 30 stairs. So maybe. Now. I will. Get. Re- housed. Lastly. Wait. And. Then. They said I will wait a year. To 18 months. This is. Hairfield. Hos. The. Very. Best. Been a few times and they have been well fantastic.
Hi Dave. Go for it. I tried was turn down it can and does make condition. Much better. Where. The. Brompton. Iam awaiting. TX for 1 pair. Of. 2 nd hand. Lungs. Pref. A. Young footballer. But. Hos. Most prob put in. Back to front. And. And. I end. Breathing out me back side Ha ha. BW. Paul
Dave. Can I ask. How old you are. How long you have. Had. Empysema
Hold up who's. Perce. See this confuses. Me. Never mind as Ever I get. Mixed up Sorry. Must need to eat or sleep. See ya s
Hi Dave , I have been under he Royal Brompton hospital since October , I went in in Feb this year doing Celeb trials .Upshot is I'm having LVRS op. I meet with the surgeon on 11 the may to discuss op and whether I have questions f which I have many lol .Will Keep everyone informed as to how that goes and after this appt. I will know when I'm going in .Don't Google it Dave as I did and I've scared the pants off myself .I'm elated to have this so quickly but also scared .
Take care
Barbara 😉
aww thank you Barrera and stupidly I have googled it and yep has scared the pants of me too ! I'm at very early stage on tests to see if I'm eligible. wishing you all the success I can muster xx please keep us all informed as to how things go love and regards Davy boy xx
Sorry should read Barbara xx
Thanks Davy boy will keep you all up to spec on meet with surgeon and hopefully a date to go in real soon .If they can give me 50% more lung power I will be happy ..They are only gonna do my left lung I think as my right lung is badly scarred and has a sizeable hole in it .As I said I will keep all informed .Best wishes to you .
Barbara 😊
Good luck Barbara wishing you well xx