Hi I am being offered the very new ICG LVRS but to be honest I’m terrified at the thought of this surgery !! But reading on this forum seems people who have had are very positive of its benefits . I’m hoping there is someone on this forum who has had the robotic version of this surgery
Davinci ICG LVRS: Hi I am being offered... - Lung Conditions C...
Davinci ICG LVRS

I have seen many people on here say they have had successful LVRS. I have not seen anyone talk about the Davinci ICG method. Have you tried doing a search. Also your other post does not state which operation you are having so unless people read this post to I don’t think you will get so many replies ,maybe you could edit it to say which op you are having. I can’t help with either question but I hope your surgery goes well. x
My apologies for being a bit mixed up !!! I have been offered the surgery I completed lung VQ scans in Dec 2019 with view to having endobronchial wall valves ( zephyr ) in the spring of 2020 , then unfortunately covid 19 hit and everything was put on hold.So then I started the process again this summer !! Unfortunately new scans revealed I was no longer a candidate for valves ☹️And was offered this very new technique called Firefly ICG lung volume reduction surgery which is done via Robotic Assisted thoracic surgery (RATS) rather than the Video Assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) a as t first I declined the surgery because the surgeon had actually never done this procedure on a patient with homogenous emphysema , I explained my fears to the surgeon who then immediately offered to refer me to a surgeon who had performed many surgeries on patients with homogenous emphysema. So I’m off to London for afore mentioned SPECT scan at St Barts and a consultation with senior thoracic surgeon . So I’m at that place where it really is make your mind up time .
So to clarify I’m being offered bi lateral lung volume reduction and wanted to know recovery process really and if I would need to have a bed downstairs on discharge from hospital ? Many thanks
I hope someone can answer your questions. From what I have read on the group LVRS surgery seems to give better results than the valves. I expect everyone is different after surgery but your consultant may be able to give you advice on recovery and what to expect. If I had a chance to improve my quality of life I would grab it with both hands. It sounds like you have been listened to and your concerns addressed so far which is fabulous Is this being offered by the NHS or privately?
Yes it’s on nhs and yes your right I am really lucky to be offered this opportunity to improve my health and very lucky to get to see a very senior very respected lung surgeon 👍🏼Thank you for your kind words x
I have had RATS on both lungs, on separate procedures, at Barts. I can say the benefits to me have been excellent and although there is no cure for this disease I am so glad to have been offered the chance to have had these ops. I wonder if you gave been referred to the same surgeon as I had
Good luck to you
Hi 49dibs thanks for your reply 👍🏼My surgeon is Mr David Waller and he seems very positive regarding my outcomes . Can I ask how was your your recovery immediately post operatively and the weeks and months afterwards . Also can I ask do you have homogenous emphysema? I’ve been told all 5 lung lobes are equally destroyed !!! 😁
David Waller was my surgeon on both occasions. He is an excellent professionalMy recovery was good. It took about 3 months, to feel pain free as the drain site nerves needed to heal. I felt the benefit almost immediately
I'm not sure what homogenous emphysema is. But I certainly have emphysema
They have you up and walking the ward as quickly as, possible. My advice would be to go with the op as, not very many people have access to it now
Aw thats great to know you had same surgeon 😁I’ve got so many questions if you don’t mind !! How long was you in hospital , did you have to go into hospital days before surgery ? Can I ask why was yours done in 2 separate occasions? He’s opting to do both my lungs at the same time !!!
I don't mind at allMy first op was in 2018 and I was hospitalised for 7 days.the second was in 2019 and I spent 12 days in hospital as I got an infection at the drain site.
I had a day in hospital prior to my ops to do heart scan, ecg etc
I don't know why my lungs were operated on separately but they are refining techniques all the time.
So much depends on the individual and how quickly the lungs reinflate etc etc.
They are going to do the new technique on me it’s called Firefly ICG LVRS 😳 I’m just hoping and praying I have a good outcome like so many of the lovely people on this site have experienced 👍🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🙏 I feel a lot more optimistic since talking to people on this forum it’s given me the courage to go ahead with the surgery , thanks to you all for your positive remarks 👍🏼😁