Has any one had Lvrs, please could do with some advice please.
Lvrs: Has any one had Lvrs, please... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Junespoon, not had this procedure myself but I know members here have either had lung volume reduction surgery or are waiting to have it done.
Take care & someone will be along soon 🌺
Sorry, I thought you were asking about lovers?! Unfortunately can't help with LVR. Suffice to say my Mum had TB in the '50's and had a similar procedure where she had over half her left lung removed. Still carried on smoking(!) until she passed away age 69. Hope this helps. Strangely enough was in Wrightington Hospital near to where we had the recent BLF-North=West Workshop.
hi what did you want to know about it I had right side done couple of year ago when I had a lung collapse
I have had valves in the left lung, they tried to do the right but know collateral ventilation, think in lay mans terms the lung to damaged to be able to insert, knowing that my right is so bad think that the lung volume reduction is the only think left . Just wondered if it was a big op to get over, I had a collapse when I had 9 valves inserted last year with good results, took about 12 months to feel the benefit , thanks so much for the reply .
i haven't had the valves they diagnosed copd then 2 years later the lung collapsed I went in a &e and they sucked the air out with a syringe sent me home that afternoon , week later it collapsed again went into local hospital had drains put in for around week and a half but they couldn't stop the leek and didn't have the knowledge on what to do ,so I got transferred to Norwich where they done the lung reduction then they glued the chest wall to stop it collapsing again , the op was going to be key hole but when I came round he said it was to bad to do key hole had to open me up more so had a cut under from back under my arm to the front , I was out of bed in the chair next morning was connected to morphine and ketamine machine and had epidural in neck but that fell out first day told them not to bother with it day 2 I could move to loo and back day 3 morphine machine playing up bleeping all time kept going wrong so told them to take it out from then just on oramorph , day 3 want you to move round as much as possible pain wasn't to bad spent hours wandering round hospital mostly going to the café pigging out on cakes fry ups ect patients there got staff discount , they want you walking as much as you can to get lung moving after op I was home in 12 days after op you have a drain in they have to wait till in stops bubbling before you allowed home, when I got home it was sore if you laid wrong in bed you got funny sensations in that side like fingers taping in side funny twitches I asked doctor about it he said it was because they cut through the mussels and nerves it has to knit together again , now im under addenbrooks they are now considering doing other side got test just before Christmas he said it will be key hole and done at papworth I said I was told that last time he said it will be different this time as planed op and will be key hole I asked how long would I be in he said the quickest a patient has gone home is 2 days the longest 30 average round 10 its just how quickly the drain stops bubbling . Its two and half years on from first op that side still feels funny not really painful but odd sensation sometime little sore if you lay on it , key hole they don't go through the mussels and nerves so much so less to heal and think they mostly do key hole now , im still breathless but they think its because of trapped air and think op on other lung will help , tests are to see how much is trapped if not enough they wont do op an min , im classed as servere emphysema , hope this helps
Thank you so much for your reply, you have made it easier to understand, I am classed as severe emphysema quick breathless at times, hoping that the valve op would have gone ok but as I said no collateral ventilation , so just hoping that I may be considered for Lvrs, on the right as its gets to me that I cannot Hoover and do lots of things I could previously, I am prepared to give anything a try, but that you so much,look forward to hear how thing go for you . All the very best .😀
Hi friend of mine did around 3 years ago. One of her lungs was damaged by repeated bouts of pneumonia and wasn't working. They took half of a lung away. She was in hospital for around 10 days, and took 6 weeks plus to fully recover. She says she feels wonderful now and has much more energy.
She tells people the scar is a bite mark from a shark. x
Hi June,I.m just waiting for an appointment to see surgeon at the Brompton.I,m sort of looking forward to it,I think.D.