hi i did a letter on here last night and spoke with a lady so I know it was showing but its not posted arr took me soooo long to t ype it as I don't norm type its in my notifications does anyone know how I can transfer it onto a post
how can I transfer my letter - Lung Conditions C...
how can I transfer my letter

Is this the one at the bottom of this post?
This one?
...extensive upper lobe emphysema with mild to moderate emphysema in lower lobes.There is reticulation and traction bronchiectasis in the middle and lower lobes with a subpleural distribution. Minor tree-in-bud nodularity in both lung apices is noted suggesting bronchiolitis due to either aspiration or infection(possibly sub clinical). Numerous small volume mediastinal lymph nodes noted .Conclusion ....Appearnces are those of upper lobe( emphysema with UIP). or sarcoidosis as indicated in history is uncertain. The current extent basal fibrosis has increased since scan in 2015.......On other page he has put diagnosis pulmonary fibrosis-other (free text) known sarcoidosis but referred for recent symptomatic decline and ct findings not classical for sarcoidosis.........
Thank you if anyone is reading this he said he wants to do a broncoscopy as he thinks I have other things going on but he doesn't think I have nor ever did have sarcoidosis and I was told in novmerber by him that he was waiting the results back from Liverpool hospital from my biops done in nov 2011 when I was diagnosed after with sarcoidosis ....As I said I went into hospital had these lung tests done and he again said he was waiting for biop results as he didn't want to start me on meds until he and his colluges look at them ...My point is I have nottt been on any lung medicatios since last APRIL ive been in bed with a terrible chest infection for 2 weeks and had 2 lots of antibiotics still have a cough like croup no steroids either for that .Surely this is wrong feeling so ill I rang hospital to see if they had had the results they wanted from Liverpool this was last week they said NO!!! I rang the hospital in Liverpool and asked why they hadn't been sent se said....THEY HAVENT ASKED FOR THEM..she then very kindly sent them for me and that was last tues and ive still heard nothing back from my hospital...I feel like I will have a breakdown soon if I don't get someone telling me the truth of whats going on why am I waiting so long to go on treatments ,I'm so tired of feeling like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall and getting nowhere....I just feel so weak with it all....so sorry to be so long winded in typing this will need a long lie down now ha ....where next?
thank you so very much ... here come the tears ago only happy its there now to be seen just feel exhausted with it all xxx
are they showing to other people now ?
ty so much for your kind help xx
You can't beat our mrsmummy for help nd welcome to the club by the way dilly20 , Sheila x
Hi dilly, it seems as if the doctors are thinking you don’t have sarcoidosis but they want to do more tests to be sure.
I do hope you find out just what’s going on very soon and wish you well. Xxxx
sassy59 the Brompton have diagnosed me with pulmonary fibrosis copd and bronchiectasis plz look at the letter I have posted it is a copy of what Brompton have sent me after I went in for the tests he said he wants to so a broncoscopy as he thinks there is more going on
as the letter I posted says they said they where waiting on results getting to them from my biopsy in 2111 I phoned Liverpool hospital who said they hadn't been requested yet so the secretary faxed them to them last tues and I'm still not hearing anything xxx
I think it might be under the heading of sarcoidosis tb I'm so sorry to be a nuisance
Your not a nuisance, never think that on this forum, what you are is extremely anxious and stressed as anyone would be in your circumstances dilly20, so please don't worry about expressing yourself on hear. So sorry to hear you are very poorly on top of everything else. What about your G.P could you go and talk to him about all of this? Maybe he could get things moving for you. Other than that I don't know what else you can do to be honest. Please let us know how you get on friend? 🤞 ✋️
hi stumpy thank you so much for kind words I'm so tired head is banging from crying so much feel such a baby ...When I asked my gp last year could she tell me what stage sarcoidosis I had I was told I'm sorry but to be honest I don't know anything about sarcoidosis!!!!...So anyway I have just rung up again and got another secretary who has promised to ring me back on Wednesday and said she is going to look into it all for me and get a doctor to ring me. When who knows but I'm hoping it will be soon I will keep you posted thank you very much need to talk to someone so much god bless take care dilly high five back atcha xxxxx
Good luck with the phone call tomorrow, Dilly. All the best, M.
hi thanking you very much take care xxxx
hope you get your answer wed
tyvm take care xx