All changed in a day!!: Just wondering... - Lung Conditions C...

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All changed in a day!!

Shazza59 profile image
37 Replies

Just wondering did anyone else feel this. Had just felt shortness of breath whilst walking and a bit going up stairs but since diagnosis I am aware of every breath and feel it’s labored more than before. Feel like a different person than I was 2 days ago and feel a lot sicker. An on Spiriva inhaler once a day but only taken twice so not sure about it yet. Felt much better not knowing but I know I needed to know.Is some of it psychosematic??

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Shazza59 profile image
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37 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hi Shazza, knowing things are wrong doesn’t suit everyone and it can play with your mind.

I do remember when Pete was diagnosed with sarcoidosis he was afraid to sleep in case he never woke up. He overcame that with a sleeping pill.

Hope the Spiriva works well for you. Xxxx

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to sassy59

Thank you Sassy, just don’t know where I’m at for now, I’m sure will eventually get a handle on it x

Dipsey profile image

Partly it’s getting your head around having been given a diagnosis and learning to manage the condition and your feelings about it. I also recall noticing every breath far more until I came to terms with it.

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Dipsey

Thank you for replying Dipsey. Not sure how long Spiriva takes to kick in either. I am just praying that I don’t deteriorate rapidly,

Badbessie profile image

Hi I think a large number of people who are newly diagnosed go through this. In many ways it's a form of anxiety. How I handled it was becoming proactive. I changed my lifestyle, started exercising etc. Before diagnosis I felt slightly short of breath getting the shopping out of the car now it's no problem. I think you should ask for pulmonary rehabilitation. It is not just exercise but education about our condition and how we can improve the situation. We are always here to help so ask as many questions as you want.

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Badbessie

Thank you so much Badbessie, can’t express how bad I feel about it and find hard to get into real world, just keep looking things up to do with illness. Think it is anxiety and just hoping will pass. Will take your advice now on being proactive and doing a programme. It seems you have improved a bit with exercise and changes, well done and I hope to do the same. Thanks again. Have you been diagnosed long ?

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to Shazza59

Please do not Google it. At times it can give a very unbalanced picture of this condition.

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to Shazza59

I have been diagnosed 14 months this site was a great help.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Shazza59

Googling is fine as long as you stick to recognised sites such as this one and the NHS etc. Googling indiscriminantly is definitetly not advised as you can go from a headache to dead in 3 clicks! x

Florenc3 profile image

I am newly diagnosed and I am also more aware and have realised that the heavy feeling in my back/ribs have been the copd without my knowledge. I find that aches and pains in the past have fallen into place now I know. (I had been putting it all down to work and my increasing age)

Good luck, at least we are not alone.

Shazza59 profile image

True Florence, a lot of help and good advice here. Awful to feel a different person in a few hours when we are really the same person just with a heavier load. So aware of everything to do with lungs now. Will have to snap out of this and continue living, Weather so bad will wait till next week to go back to doctor and ask about Rehab program. Our minds are our worse enemy sometimes too. Take care x

Roysieboy profile image

Hello Shazam. I was diagnosed with emphysema & copd in June 2017. The consultant put it down to smoking even though I stopped smoking 30yrs ago. I was taking Spiriva but have now been put on Duaklir which has made me feel better. I would strongly advise you to go to Pulmonary rehabilitation classes they have helped me no end, I thought doing exercises when I have got this condition would be the last thing I should be doing, but it really helps and you meet other people who are in the same boat as you and you can learn off of them. I was knocked back with the diagnosis but I thought well I must get on with life, I find my breathing has improved no end. Go to rehab and good luck to you.👍🤓

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Roysieboy

Thank you for your reply Roysieboy, really helps hearing other people’s stories. Will see how Spiriva does for me and if no good will see about changing, have not been given a rescue inhaler. Will definitely enquire about rehab program as it seems to have been beneficial to a lot of people on here. Awful to get this disease after so long off the cigarettes. Did it take long to accept in any way and move on with life ?

Roysieboy profile image
Roysieboy in reply to Shazza59

Greetings. I think it is mind over matter really, you must get on with ur life. The trouble I had was before it was diagnosed, not knowing why I had problems with breathing, once I knew what it was I did what the medical people told me and thankfully I feel it has worked out for me. What helped was working towards playing bowls again. I am now playing again although a bit slower. I sometimes sit and think about it but then put it to the back of my mind and press on. Hope this is of some use to you.

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Roysieboy

Hi there, sounds like you handled it all very well and so glad it is working out. Gives me hope that I can too get on with life. I was always a good walker but kinda slacked a bit the last year. Last Sept went on a long hilly walk and had to stop on the hills with getting short of breath but ok on the flat. Six months later get short of breath when walking quickly short walks. Need to get back to longer walking if I can. Keep in touch as great support.

Roysieboy profile image
Roysieboy in reply to Shazza59

Thanks for the reply. I found it is so easy to sit down and not do anything but I try not to and when I feel a bit lazy I go for a walk round the block. Keep warm and well. Good luck. Keep in touch.

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Roysieboy

We will have to motivate one another and keep moving. Have done nothing in four days except be online, although can't walk in the snow!! Will certainly keep in touch.

Roysieboy profile image
Roysieboy in reply to Shazza59

I have been stuck indoors for 3 days now. Still do some exercises. Hoping to get out tomorrow. Good luck. Will keep in touch. 👍🤓

Stumpy55 profile image

Hi Shazza59, yes I know about breathing problems as we all do and it's not an easy thing to deal with but you find your own way of dealing with it. You need to know how to breath properly when you feel breathless, small Breath in through your nose and then breath out through pursed lips. I don't know if you already no this. The thing is not to panic, we all do from time to time but just try to stay calm when breathless and don't forget your breathing excersises, Please don't worry too much, ✋️😊

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Stumpy55

Thank you Stumpy, have been trying this breathing but makes me a bit light headed so have to get used to doing it I suppose. Very worried about how quickly this might deteriorate but know I have to think positively.

Stumpy55 profile image
Stumpy55 in reply to Shazza59

Shazam you seem to be so panicky and maybe overly stressed about your illness. I have severe Emphaseama and have had COPD for many years now. Like you in the beginning I worried about everything and made sense of nothing. But as time goes by you learn to live with it and realise it's not the end of the world. You gave up smoking which is key for copd, so now you have to take your meds which will also change from time to time. So now you need to calm down and face things one at a time. You can lees a good life if you stay in control and not the illness being in control. We are all here for you so please turn to us for support take care of yourself ✋️😊

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Stumpy55

Thank you very, very much Stumpy. Feel terrible sometimes moaning when I know a lot of people on this forum are worse but at least you have gone through things that can maybe help those of us new to it. Just finds hard to accept that I let things go this far with the smoking and vaping. Will no doubt be back again looking for more support from you. Thanks x

Stumpy55 profile image
Stumpy55 in reply to Shazza59

Ah thankyou and you have nothing to feel bad about. We all moan, get angry and upset when we are confused by things that we don't understand, that's what makes us human beings and it's all natural. You are amongst friends on here so any time you need a chat or unload some built up stress here we are. 🌹😉

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Stumpy55

Thank you 😊

Interesting link about chronic lung disease and where do we go from here..

Erin001 profile image

I'm sorry I'm not much help I was diagnosed with my asthma when I was younger so can't really remember and I think I was too young to like think about diagnosis like an adult can

but I have had to cope with the changes and the fact it's becoming more challenging to control than it used to be but I only started writing a diary last year and feel like my asthma is worse this year and I do wonder whether it's cos im more vigilant than before

I have noticed that walking up and down the stairs becoming harder (I'm only 17)

I hope this gets better for you and any questions you have or if you need to moan about your illness (may I ask what you've been diagnosed with?) feel free to do so on here we all understand even though we all have different conditions the one thing we definitely have in common is the fact it's to do with lungs so we will understand the challenges and if not we will just listen and help where we can there is always a couple of people who are able to help

Good luck 👍x I hope this made sense and sorry for being not much help 😕

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Erin001

Thank you for your reply Erin and you are of help as someone there listening. I was diagnosed with COPD, don’t know what stage or what type but I too get a bit breathless going up stairs and feel everything makes me feel breathless since being diagnosed 3 days ago. Sorry to hear your asthma seems worse but maybe like me you are watching it too hard. Take care x

Erin001 profile image
Erin001 in reply to Shazza59

Thx I do get wheezy quite a bit and it feels like more than before but I think before when I wasn't doing a diary I was just taking my inhaler and not realising the amount I take it

I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis I hope it gets easier for you to cope with

I've had asthma since I was little like I said but I'm definitely still learning about my condition so it will take time to learn and get used to it but hopefully with the right support like docs and friends and this brilliant website I think you will be okay 👌 x

Take care yourself we are always here whenever you need it for big or small obstacles/questions or anything someone will be here to help guide you

Shazza59 profile image

Thank you Erin. Will definitely be on asking advice and for support x

Andy-A profile image

Shazza I feel exactly same gp told me it’s probably copd so I’m off to consultant to check it’s nothing else. Suddenly I notice all the aches and twinges breathing. Is it getting worse? Suddenly concentrating on every breath. I feel exactly same. The people on heat have helped calm me down no end

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to Andy-A

Thanks Andy at least know it's not just me analysing every like cough etc. I hope nothing else not even COPD as you really seem to have turned your life around and you are so young. I am 51 so hoping even with me age will help a little although not sure age matters with this illness. Feeling a little more calmed but still on my mind every waking moment.

Andy-A profile image

I’m only 40. Abused my body in every way, are rubbish an no excersise. 6 months ago stopped drinking smoking and drugs. 5 aday. Loads of fruit and water. Hour hard excersise a day. I can’t take back the last ten years. I wish I could. Onward and upwards. I just pray I haven’t seen the light too late.

Stumpy55 profile image
Stumpy55 in reply to Andy-A

Hello Andy-A, it's never too late to turn your life around so don't beat yourself up. I think if anyone could turn the clock back and start over we would all do it in a heart beat I know I would. Wish you well Andy, keep going the way you are, your doing well. Like you say onwards and upwards. ✋️😊

Ergendl profile image

The diagnosis is just a label: I'm still the same person I was the day before the diagnosis. The label helps the doctor decide what meds to prescribe.

lync11 profile image

Hi there, I was diagnosed with copd 8 months ago and, like you, became really stressed and terrified and was more aware of my breathlessness. I joined this site and the lovely people on here gave me hope for the future and taught me that it wasn’t a death sentence. After asking questions and reading other posts I began to feel optimistic and, guess what, my breathing calmed down. I still get breathless going upstairs etc but get on with life. Hope that helped a little.

Lyn x

Shazza59 profile image
Shazza59 in reply to lync11

Hi Lyn, thank you so much for reply and does make me feel better. These last few days have been terrible with chest tightness, shortness of breath and lots of different feelings, just not functioning right. Rewind to a day before diagnosis and I just got on with things, knew I was getting a bit short of breath but didn’t stop to think too much about it, now everything elevated and am online constantly looking up different symptoms. Must say finding this site amazing and the people are definitely helping me. Glad you got a handle on it and breathing calmed down, did it take long for this to happen and what medication were you put on? Thanks for help xx

Shazza59 profile image

Thanks for that Roey, it makes a lot of sense, I will try not to think too much about the breathing and hope it eases. Dreaded thing to come to terms with.

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