a common theme runs through correspondence empty capsules or tiny doses of medication.i have recently opened capsules over 4 months 50%were empty. my pharmacy says all is ok. my gp also not interested. is this perhaps a case of corrupt quality control as in Tanaka steel or no quality control.i presume this problem is world wide how much money has been spent on duff medication. and what effect has this had on users. next month i will take this up with my local hospital.
spiriva problems: a common theme runs... - Lung Conditions C...
spiriva problems

Can you not get the spirivia in a spray like mine rather than the capsules it may be worth asking and it's easier to use hope you get sorted xxx

i have been looking at this as a general problem, with these capsules which effects a number of people . not looking for an alternative.
"SPIRIVA capsules contain only a small amount of powder which makes the capsule appear almost empty."
IF you have a real complaint here are the contact details:-
Call the Pharmacovigilance team at Boehringer Ingelheim on 0800 328 1627
Hello ๐I had the same couple of years back. That I had a feeling when I used the capsule that's been empty because I couldn't feel the powder anymore. I went to the pharmacy they are really friendly, always. And I remember that he opened every capsule and put it on a black plate to show me that the content are so small only 18 micrograms, that amount is so fine that you hardly see it.
He also told me that I use it quite long already that it feels after some years you can't feel it anymore. But now I know because it always helps and never thought about it anymore. ๐๐
Cracking answer from Melnel there is no pharmacutical conspiracy and there has been lots of debate on here and very few if any people have found an empty one and as Pmrpete says the quantities involved are so small it is easy to assume they are empty.Go back to your gp express your concerns and he may see fit to introducing a new inhaler that is suitable for you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,regards skis and cat on Spiolto
I find with Spiriva that if you inhale the same capsule twice it is more likely to be completely empty
My GP recommended Braltus instead, never had a problem with either brand, although my GP said Braltus is cheaper for the NHS.
I still have not found an empty one.
Although the occasional one will still shatter when piercing and it will not work properly and best discarded.
Its world wide have read a lot of post where people are finding these capsules empty x
I too had problems with spiriva and thought some were empty whether they were or not I never really felt they did much good and was never sure if I had got the dose or not but got changed to Fostair NEXThaler and Genuair both of which are must better easier to use and not only can I tell with them when I have got the correct dose but can feel it too so maybe ask your doctor if you can change.........
you are welcome - good luck xx