Phlegm phlegm phlegm I'm sick of it all day never white saliva that I spit always green.Then at night I lye on my left or right and each time I turn phlegm and phlegm although at night time it's much more stronger flavour meaty like it bugs me.
Sick of all day and night phlegm - Lung Conditions C...
Sick of all day and night phlegm

It really sounds like Pheumonia or severe bronchitis best you can do soon as poss is to get an X ray that will pic pheumonia up in your lungs. Sounds like you also need to go on a good antibiotic course.
You definitely need medical attention as this sounds like a bad infection. Take your temperature and get to your GP.
I was always told that the minute the phlegm turns to green you know you have a chest infection requiring antibiotic so see a doctor immediately
Agree with others it's definitely infected! Apart from colour the meaty taste is also a sign! 🙁
Sounds like an infection
Agree with others , it also sounds like bronchiectasis.....
Hope you get the proper diagnosis and get better soon !
Thanks everyone got to see doc next week I'll stick it out till then.
Someone else suggested that sputum check thanks I'd forgot the name of it