hello, had a bad cough for a week or so and yesterday had a bit of streaked bloody phlegm and i went to the Drs this morning. Didn't seem overly bothered and arranged for a xray on Thursday. I have read up that its quite common, but i am scared and panicking about it. Help and reassure me.....
Coughing and blood streaked phlegm - Lung Conditions C...
Coughing and blood streaked phlegm

You can have coloured phlegm and even blood stained without serious infection. An x Ray should show if there's any infection lurking. A good expectorant medicine for mucus will help you cough up the mucus .
No need to panic, but I know it's a shock when it first happens. If it's a symptom you've not had before, your GP should always send you for an X-ray. But if you've been coughing a lot it's almost certain to be irritation of the tiny capillaries in your throat and upper airways.

thank you, i am sure there is nothing to worry about but it just made me anxious to the point i am almost making myself cough to see if it has happened again. It's not every time I cough...
I've had it too, but honestly unless you're coughing up lots of it, there's no need to worry. It's standard practice for GPs to send people for an Xray, but you can be sure he/she won't do that next time it happens (though it may well never happen again!) You can tell it's nothing cause otherwise you'd have been asked to go for an Xray immediately Don't make yourself cough - the area needs a chance to heal. Try not to cough too harshly either.
When coughing a lot it's very common to cough up a little blood. This is usually bright red fresh blood and is cause by a blood vessel or vein leaking. It's nothing to worry about but should still be checked with a doctor just in case. x
thank you, it is bright red and follows a coughing session...i know you are right. I feel silly being so anxious about it....
Don't feel silly. It is worrying the first time it happens and I remember rushing to the doctors to get it checked too! Any blood coughed up should be checked in any case just to rule out anything serious. If it is darker blood or quite lot of it then there is more cause to worry but it could still easily be something and nothing.
If your doctor thought it was anything serious you would be having urgent tests. x
Haha snap hypercat You see, andrea, we're old hands at this game & we're both saying the same thing!

'Ere who are you calling old Mrs? xx
Make that "experienced" hands!

thank you, you have made me feel so much better.
When this first happened to me, like you I panicked and went to the GP who did send me for an immediate X-Ray which showed nothing untoward. Now I just accept it on the rare occasions when it happens.
This happened to me last month after a really bad coughing boutique which went on for a long time after the flu in November still not shaken it off hence Dr's appt this morning half nine. I only coughed blood up once in the night x
wow...poor you! This flu does seem to be hard to shake off this year.
I had the flu November 10th almost gone by xmas then my daughter have me her cold boxing day that lasted a few weeks then my great grandson started nursery got a terrible cold and guess who caught it!!!! Me still can'take shake it off been docs this morning he gave me thorough examination chest clear so no antibiotics and my thigh pain is due to muscle loss with being inactive over the three months so got to do exercises for leg and cream for sores on my legs which he'said not sure what they are got to go back in 6 weeks if not cleared sending me to a dermatologist. I really feel I have had good treatment today after the last doc was hopeless in Nov wanted to give me ibuprofen said no way and came out. I asked for another gp today feel much better now as when you'vehad cancer your mind works overtime
You have done the right thing in getting it checked out, but try not to worry. The first time it happened to me I felt panic stricken, that was a number of years ago and i’m still here. Like other people have said it’s probably a tiny vessel that’s got strained with coughing. Get the chest X-ray done and reassure yourself, but don’t worry. Best wishes xx