i first started having some difficulty in my breathing, about a week ago. since yesterday, the weather has been cold, and EXTREMELY humid, and my breathing has gotten worse. my mom, dad, and all five of my siblings smoke.
right now, i am absolutely unable to breathe. my chest feels very very tight and i literally do not have any air to talk at all.
i went to the doctor two days ago, and the doctor told me that i have severe asthma. he told me and my mom that i need to get two inhalers, and a nebulizer mask/machine. my mom never even got the medication! he was also literally ABOUT to give me an oxygen mask to wear to help me with my breathing, but before he could, my mom started yelling at him, and said that "i don't need an oxygen mask" and it's "stupid". fortunately, my doctor made me wear the oxygen mask for three hours, and it really helped me. but my mom hasn't spoken to me since!
my breathing got a lot better after using
the oxygen mask, but it is bad again.
anyways, today i told my family that i need them to call an ambulance, but they said that i am just making this up. so i don't know what i should do, since i can't talk, but i also can't drive a car.
well, since CANNOT breathe AT ALL, i NEED an ambulance, and i don't care if my parents and siblings "don't want me wearing an oxygen mask bc i will look like an idiot", because i probably NEED to wear an oxygen mask.
anyways wish me luck, i am calling an ambulance right now.