HiI am 82, male, I had a shingles attack 2 years ago R side of forehead and nose my problem is nerve pain mainly on the eyebrow I take Lyrica 250mg twice daily. pain killers don't help , some days bearable other days I just try to live with it, anyone with similar and can offer advise welcome/
New with shingles: HiI am 82, male, I... - Lung Conditions C...
New with shingles

Hi I am sorry for your health problems, however this is a lung site. Did you mean to post it in here?

I also have COPD but nerve pain uncontrollable
Yes COPD about 4months early than the shingles, I can manage it with oxygen , and without the shingles I would have no complaints
Shingles that's awful I also had it about two years ago it was agony and not a lot they can prescribe I had it around my eyes and my head drove me crazy looked like I had done a couple of rounds in the boxing ring. I used camomile lotion for the rash it did help to dry it out and ease the itching a little. I found out from the eye doctor I saw that there was if I had asked the doctor a tablet specially for nerve damage pain, but by then it has started to ease off I had just taken paracetamol round the clock which didn't help much at all. Took about two months to feel it was on it's way out. Still now have a numb and itchy right eyebrow and itchy scalp sessions. Good Luck
Hi have a look at this link. I found it on the Pain Concern site.

Well done thank you if it rears its head again will try some of the suggestions just wish I had been in touch with healthunlocked back then when I was suffering. I am so thankful for this site now 🙂 X
Hi Dumela, did you have the shingles vaccination?
Try taking ..multi B vitamin. tablets..... It was suggested to shingles patients in 1960's.
In 1968 my husband developed shingles ,he took the multi B tabs straight away ....He never had any after pain .. neither did I in the 1980's when I got them......
Don't know if they will work since its so long since the rash has gone, but you never know .
Many thanks willing to try any reasonable suggestion