As if life wasn't hard enough with having to cope with my C.O.P.D. I now find that I have got shingles. Yesterday I had to go to the doctor's as I wasn't feeling at all well, had a constant pain in my right torso and groin area which had a horrible burning rash. Upon examining me he said that I had a virus induced condition called Shingles which is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. Anyone who's had chickenpox may develop shingles. Apparently after you recover from chickenpox, the virus enters your nervous system and lies dormant for years. So I'm now on a high dosage of 800mg of Aciclovir tablets (which are 3/4" long x 1/2" wide and it seems like you are trying to swallow a depth charge) for 7 days taking one every 4 hours. The pain in the blisters is awful and I keep feeling nauseous all the time and very, very sleepy. The right side of my body feels, and looks, as if it has been scalded by hot water and, as I've already said, the pain is really, really bad...I have not experienced pain like it before. The doctor said it could take 4-6 weeks before it clears up and could re-occur again in the future. So, as you can imagine, I'm not a happy bunny at all. Have attached a photo that I took today and, as you can see, it is all blistered and inflamed (I apologise if it puts you off your dinner folks). I have found out since that I could have had an injection to prevent this upon reaching 65 years of age, but I did not know this. So, in conclusion, I would advise all of you who qualify for the injection to contact your doctor and get it a.s.a.p. because, believe you me, you really don't want a dose of shingles. Take care all..
Any advice on shingles?: As if life... - Lung Conditions C...
Any advice on shingles?

Dear me Eric that looks nasty. Keep the area clean to prevent germs and bacteria. I remember my dad having shingles down one side of his face and that was awful too. It’s a nasty virus.
It will take time to recover so please take care. I think Pete and I will be looking into getting the jab.
Thinking of you. Xxx❤️😘💜
Sorry you have shingles, just what you needed 😫. I really hope you have the quickest recovery possible. Here are some links that you may find useful, apologies if not. Take good care of yourself, if your feeling worse call gp or 111 for advice. 🙂💫
So sorry that you have developed shingles. Try and keep the area dry. Hopefully the skin won't break where the blisters are. If it does you may need someone to apply a dressing for you to protect the area.My mum had shingles many years ago and, after the course of anti viral medication, her GP prescribed co-codamol to ease the pain which can be prolonged and intense. Do keep in touch with your GP for pain relief.
My understanding is that the shingles vaccine is only available for 70 - 78 year olds.
Oh that looks really painful, so sorry that you are suffering so much. I had Shingles when I was in my 20's so I can empathise with you on the chronic pain and discomfort. I don't think the shingles jab has been very widely publicised, I just happened to see a poster in doctors one day whilst waiting to see the doctor about something else so I did have the jab. I do hope that you can get some relief from it soon. Best wishes and virtual hugs.🙂
Hope u feel better soon x
That looks painful. I hope you get better from it soon.
Sorry your going through that . I had it in my 50s and I know it's very painful . I had the jab when offered because I didn't want it that bad again . Hope you feel better soon 😥
That looks painful.

I had shingles a few years ago and my GP gave me a strong codeine based pain relief plus a very small dose of amitriptyline. I was very wary of taking the amitriptyline as I know it is an anti depressant. However the 10mg dose is very small and it did make a difference. Perhaps your GP would prescribe a pain relief med that is smaller in size - the one you have sounds like a horse pill! Shingles is a really nasty thing to have and some people find that even when the pain subsides it takes a while to recover. Good wishes to you and hoping it clears up soon.
Just to put your mind at rest Pentreath, they issue Amitriptyline for r.a. now as it relax's the muscles and helps with the pain, it also helps you sleep, so dont be afraid , I use it occassionaly when my r. a. pain gets too bad x
Thank you Izb1 -It certainly helped and I have continued to take one before sleep and the GPs are happy to prescribe. My pain is caused by arthritis but osteo rather than your more serious RA.
Oh that looks awful, I hope the pill helps quickly that and pain killers perhaps, see what your doctor says. Qualify for the shingles jab at age 70 in the UK I am definitely going to be having it.
Take good care and feel better soon.
I had shingles a couple of years ago and I know what you mean by pain - my doctor said it is the same level of pain as child birth!! I was given codeine to help with the pain as nothing else had any effect. The antiviral medication should help quicken the actual rash but I have to warn you I had nerve pain for 18 months after and still get twinges - it is nasty. I would definitely recommend anyone of the right age group to get the shingles jab unfortunately I’m about 20 years too young. Take care of yourself.
Hi. So sorry you've got Shingles. I had them a couple of years ago. As well as the Anti-Virals, my Doctor prescribed me Co-codamol which really helped with the pain. Hope you feel better soon. John
So sorry you've got shingles. Hope the meds work very quickly and your pain eases and goes.
My friend had the shingles jab a few years ago. She was put on Baricitinib a medication for rheumatoid arthritis and the side effects mentions shingles, sadly she got this in her eye which has travelled to her brain and has been in the hospital for over 3 months now, they dont think she will come home again. I have not been able to visit due to covid, needless to say I have stopped this r.a. drug myself. Shingles is a very painful disease and I really hope you get over it soon, in the meantime rest and take things easy, drink plenty of water, you could use honey if it gets too painful x
Hope you are feeling better soon - I know it can be so painful Take care x
That looks really nasty. Hope you can get rid of it soon. Thanks for the advice rd the vaccine - will definitely be asking about it.
Hi sufferer 2
I really feel for you. I had shingles 7 years ago and it was so bad that I was hospitalised and, thank goodness, I have not had another attack since. The pain is almost unbearable and the morphine and other medication in hospital did help. Upon discharge I went to my own GP as I was still in pain and he prescribed a course of Gabapentin and Amitriptyline and the pain went away after about 3/4 days. I did not have a rash but I have been told by my GP that Capsaicin cream would be the preferred treatment for a rash. This option may not be open to you because of the amount of rash that you have. It appears that you are not getting much relief with the present treatment so I don't think it would be a problem to speak to your doctor about other treatment(s).
I earnestly hope that you gat some relief from this awful virus.
Stay safe.
ps: I believe that you will not get the shingles vaccine until you reach 70 years.
I'm sorry you're in such pain. Hope the doctor can prescribe something more suitable. When I got the shingles jab a couple of years ago it was only available to certain limited age groups. The nurse told us it was a very expensive drug, which might explain a lot. I wonder if you'd be eligible when you get over this lot. It was kind of you to alert other people to get the jab asap if they can. xxx
Sorry you are in pain. I am in the USA and am 5 years post a single lung transplant. Two years ago, at age 74, I had the SHINGRIX vaccine for shingles. It is a two part jab taken 8 weeks apart. The old vaccine Zostavax was discontinued as it was a live virus vaccine and SHINGRIX is a dead virus vaccine and transplant patients are advised to stay away from live vaccines. Perhaps SHINGRIX is the new preferred vaccine in the UK.
So sorry, chuck, how absolutely horrid for you... Best wishes 🧡
I feel for you I have had shingles twice now and it was awfull and I was in such pain ps what’s this about an injection ????am so sorry for you take care SUESAL
Wondering how you are doing? Is the drug helping with discomforts of shingles?
Hope things are getting a little better for you.