I'm 59 just found out that I'm pre emphysema . I was on site that were talking about longevity and I was scared but reading these post really help me out.. I smoked when I was seventeen for a couple of years that was it . I think I got mine from pneumonia since I was in my twenties always getting pneumonia year after year well it left a lot of scarring that is how I think I got mine. Thanks to every one posting I feel I just might see my grandchildren grow up. I had a good cry today now its time to do what I need to do.
Just found out : I'm 59 just found out... - Lung Conditions C...
Just found out

You'll get a lot of good advice from people on this site I have stage 3 emphysema and am 44 and everyone's been great to me.All the best Dorothy.
Hi clamdigger! From what I've read, it would be unlikely to develop emphysema 40yrs after giving up smoking, so you're probably right about the pneumonia. Has your diagnosis been confirmed by CT scan?

I had a CT Scan done just got back the results but I grew up when mother's smoked in the car and in the homes. The bars every one smoked all my family so back then even remember the Dr smoking in his office...My friend ended up with COPD never smoked .. Those were the times so it must of been from everything I was exposed to.. Plus I paint and that could of added to it paint fumes from oils.....
Good to see you Clamdigger and your strength and determination are brilliant. So pleased you found us on here. Xxxxx
Welcome to you Clamdigger (loving the name!) This is without doubt the site where you will be given first hand advice from folk who have experienced what you are/might be going through. So ask away. Anything,anytime you'll usually get a reply.
Looking forward to getting to know you.
Welcome to the site Clamdigger x
Good on you. It's always scary getting a diagnosis like that. I am sure you will live to a healthy old age. x
Welcome Clamdigger . So glad you are here. This is a great site for support. Keeping active and eating healthily will help us live longer. I am sure you will see your lovely grandchildren grow up.
Sending you much best wishes.
Cas xx ππΊ
Hello and welcome Clamdigger
I like you was told I am pre Emphysema. Apparently my lungs are over large. I am also asthmatic. It scared me at first but I've got used to the idea now. I smoked a little like you. The most ever was about ten a day. That was only for about a year. My Husband smoked though and before it was known to be bad for you he smoked in the house.
How long have you had pre emphysema
We are lucky we found out we are pre emphysema we have a better chance. We can protect ourselves and prolong stage one. I have been battling with the Dr I told her that something else was going on for the pass five years. The Dr's at the hospital kept saying it dosn't sound like you have asthma you should quite smoking. I would get in trouble from the asthma clinc because they would get a notice that I was at the hospital in emergency they told me I wasn't taking care of my asthma ....I keep saying something else was wrong but the idiot Dr wouldn't send me for further testing ..I have a new Dr she send me for a CT scan and I just found out. I have scarring on my lungs from lung infections a lump plus enlarged alveoli plus ground glass.. I was so annoyed when I found out because I knew something was wrong. Now that I know I can protect myself that is the good part. Plus my first testing I went through said I had COPD but the nurse said it was a false reading she went against the what the testing said and the write up.... Knowledge about this will help us from getting worse quickly.......
Hello Clam, n welcome. I have level 3 too, since 2007. N it is possible with care n Meds to live a nice life. I see that you paint too, rather well, I might say, π and so do I. I try not to focus on what i can't do. I walk (albiet slowly) I swim, and I do my Crafts. Some days aren't so good n I,m just getting over an infection. But, I always aware that things could be much worse. So I try to be positive. My Best of wishes. βοΈππ»
I'm going back into see the Dr she gave me all of 15 min and just said COPD .. But I had swollen alveoli's 5mm they were checking for cancer at first.. Three Ct scan later they didn't grow.. My lungs are full of scars from lung infections all my life realize now it was from allgeries.. .... Went home google COPD and it can mean different lung problems.. I have had three Dr's since the first CT Scan my Dr was from another country all she said my alveoli's were swollen but didn't use the term Emphysema...... ... . I think what might be going on my allergies were acting up when I had a CT scan the alveoli's were swollen but through the year they ddin't go down on the next two CT scan ...My Ostero therapist asked me how my COPD And Emphysema were doing she got the report from the Dr I said didn't know I had it went to the Dr she say yes I had it but just said COPD and the asthma clinc says I don't have it .... . When I go to the hospital they tell me to quite smoking I tell them every time don't smoke one Dr just looked at me and repeated quite smoking I was told that so many times my lungs must sound like a smoker ...the asthma clinc say there giving you the wrong medication at the emergency they say the asthma clinc don't know what there doing .. I had a nurse for eight years that wouldn't change my meds went through a few Dr's the move once they do there time here.... .I have another appointment at the end of this month with my Dr I'm going to be telling them what the asthma clinc the nurse told me I don't have COPD if the Dr tells me I do going to change the clinc I'm going to .... One long post sorry about that .. My gut feeling I'm in stage 0 ... And the Asthma Clinc nurse dosn't know her job thinks she knows more than every Dr that I have been to in emergency.. They have never heard asthma when I go to emergency I just can't breath and have lung infections.... My rant to a stranger.....
I asked for my report it said small airway disease on it.and inflamed aveolis .. The end of this month I"ll know for sure. Going to asked the Dr to explain why the asthma clinic is saying this I dont' have it... . There are no team of people here.. Once a year with the asthma clinic .