Hi, I have had COPD for over 8 years now. To help me my husband went over to vaping. Does anyone know if this can harm me at all. I do feel I cough more when I have an infection but he says it cant be his cig!! I think it might be the perfumey (?) smell, anyone else come across this?
COPD : Vap and passive "steam" - Lung Conditions C...
COPD : Vap and passive "steam"

His your hubby using fruit flavour vapes, as these are chemically produced they can cause breathing problem. Personal experience.
Air fresheners such as Air Wick can be a particular problem, as can deodorant and perfume sprays.
Plus many household cleaning products.
It's trial and error to identify all the triggers that may effect you.
The majority of my problems are non infection brought on by various triggers.
Hi I have COPD and I used a ecig to stop smoking and it didn't affect my breathing at all. As the vapour dosnt go in to your lungs. The only thing that triggers my COPD is an infection. As everyone is different. It is a case of trial and error.
I use an e cig and my non smoker son is ok but when I went into the vape shop to get some juice u can vape in there.it was like walking into a fog they were all cloud chasing with that juice that has the ingredient to make the vapour thick all the kids r doing it it affected me is what I meant to say
Avoid the fruit and exotic flavours and should be no issues. See above what stone says on this.
Just found this which your husband might be interested in, Caz:
Wouldn't you be coughing more with an infection regardless of his e-cig?
I do not think it is his ecig as i use one all the time and it do not afect the wife as she has asmar and i only sit 4 feet from her
I use an ecig and it's ok but the vapes do seem to get to me especially when surrounded by people using the strong flavours. Some perfumes affect me in the same way
My husband stopped smoking two years ago and vapes now it does not affect me at all even though I am allergic to a lot of perfumes and strong smells.