I was diagnosed copd in 2011 so I have strugglee for 9 years. My husband smokes outside but he smells like an ashtray when he comes into the house. I have tried to talk about it over the years but he just continues to smoke more and more. I have had the worst year yet in 2019 I have been sick 6 times and in hospital twice and cannot fight this fight with hom anymore about the smoke smell. Anyone have suggestions?
Copd and cigarette smoke and smells - Lung Conditions C...
Copd and cigarette smoke and smells

If he loved you he would change. When i got told i had COPD my wife stopped smoking at the same time as me.

I agree. I told him tonight to chose.

Hi Andy, I quit smoking cold turkey, didn't find it hard. When someone shows you a CT scan and tells you what it is. To me it wasn't hard at all!! My husband never smoked . You are loved Andy, you have a wonderful wife!!!
How did you acquire copd? Smoking was the most difficult vice I ever quit.

I smoked for 40 years
Sometimes is easier said than done. I stopped smoking something over two years ago it was a very very hard way to stop, but I got there in the end.
I love my partner very much and I know he loves me too. He really tried to stop and he has cut down smoking a lot. Sure since I stopped I am very sensitive with smells some lovely smells some less lovely LOL 😋
I don't like it when people smoke in front of me, but I don't have a problem when my partner had a smoke outside washing his hand and he even brushes his teeth. And I believe that he will stop smoking in time, it getting less and less.
So I don't pressure him, if he would not care about me, I would have left him long ago.
This is a hard decision to say if you love me.... or......
Without the support and help from my partner I would be lost.
But if you feel that he doesn't care about you in ANY way, than it would be the best to leave.
If there is love there is a way. Best of luck 🌹🍀🌹
Could it be that he's just in denial? It's hard to accept that someone you love is ill and gradually getting worse.
My friends physician spoke with her husband. He quit smoking near their home, and in their autos. She never smells like smoke nor third hand smoke anymore, (which meant he smells like smoke , its harmful too, just not quite as much.)
I dont know what her doctor said....but it worked.
Her breathing has gotten better, her cheeks have a wisp of color again, and she's not been ill since the talk. She's a young 56, with alot of life to live. To quote her physician.
Take care...see if your physician will talk to him...
I hope he thinks about it, and just doesn't smoke.
Sending warm thoughts to you!!💐💐💐
You explained it perfect. They didn't have to tell me not to smoke, didn't need a class, a pill, gum...nothing.
It's a problem. I stopped my wife did not. Our third child born late in life, I said come on we have a baby now. To her credit she stopped and never restarted. Never give up but hard to persuade a person who enjoys smoking. So no practical advice. Over the ashtray smell, give a hing and spray with febreze - good luck.