I was recently diagnosed with COPD after many trusts due to a high level of red blood cells that showed up in. Routine blood test. The cause was finally diagnosed as a secondary Polycythemia by the Hemotologist. The cat scam confirmed COPD. From there a plumanary lung function test. My body is producing these many red blood cells to get oxygen to my lungs. It's been a long journey. Now I see a respirologist every 3 months. He put me on ultibro inhaler which has helped my breathing. I still get very winded if walking to far or going upstairs. Tired as well so now on vitamin B-12 injections which makes me feel so much better.
New to this Forum: I was recently... - Lung Conditions C...
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Hi! Welcome. This is a fantastic place to find helpful answers. Sorry about the diagnosis, it can be very hard to accept it at first. Things in your life might change that you do not even expect, for example taking a hot shower can cause breathlessness. Or even walking behind a tailpipe of a truck or car can cause a fit. This site is so useful and there are very many people to help you out. What is your condition?
Thankyou for your input! Helps to know that some if my symptoms are normal with COPD. It's worse some days then others. When I get a vitamin B-12 injection I fell very well about 2 days after injection. The well being feeling lasts about 2-3 weeks then the fatigue and breathing difficulties begin to worsen. I get my next injection late next week.
grandkidsthree welcome to the site you've had a long journey now it's time to lve look to the future best wishes x
Sure going to try! I have a great family Doctor and the respirologist will be seeing me every three months.
Hi make yourself at home. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis but at least you're getting the right treatment now. Take care x
Hi. I also had Polycythemia and was still smoking at the time. It disappeared 2- 3 months after I stopped smoking.
Was your Polycythemia secondary due to COPD?. I noticed the last two visits with the respirologist that he put something on my finger. He said it was to measure my oxygen levels. I forgot to ask him what level is high or low for that matter. I also quite smoking. Hope that helps stop the high level of red blood cells.
this might help people with lung probs. just copy and past.
Thanks for posting this and I would like to try the app but can't seem to find it anywhere. Were you able to find and download it? I searched spirosmart and just spiro but did not find the app.
not sure but it's an old ( couple of years) one for Iphone I just read the science stuff as I'm interested in new spintronics and scaffolding cures by scaffolding I don't meen housing stuff it's cures that fool the system to believe it is something else. I'll try and find an app when I have the time but will send address if and when I find it . regards Tom
I did talk to the people involved at the University or Washington where it is being developed and tested and they said it is not yet commercially available and it could be a year before it is.
Thankyou for the welcome😊
been to hospital for a cardiorespiratory test, and been told i can receive treatment for IPF, starting soon as my blood results are ok , the treatment will be with Pirfenidone, so just waiting for the go ahead now