Was a bit gob-smacked by the number of comments on the Travelling Wilbury's...good though aren't they...and also thank you very much for the lovely comments and the links, on the article about the Mad March Hares...have to confess to being jealous over Off-Cuts up close and personal encounter with an Otter though...
Now I have a feeling I might have asked this before...but can't remember so I'll just have to repeat myself if I have...
Along with most of you, I take supplements in the form of vitamins...Vit C with Zinc and Vit D...gave up on the Manuki honey...it's so expensive and I personally thought it tasted foul...I use an anti-bacterial hand cleaner before pushing supermarket trolleys and after handling money...apparently money is heaving with germs...and have a squirt of First Defence when we go anywhere.
But is all this actually necessary do you think?
However can you know whether or not any of those precautions are working...
I rarely caught a cold before COPD and still don't...chest infections certainly, but First Defence wouldn't be calling a halt to them anyway or ought it to do so?
Shouldn't washing your hands properly be enough... after you've been shopping for instance...without resorting to a hand cleanser...you're not sucking your thumb after you've spent the last half an hour picking out tins of beans and cartons of milk after all...
Are we perhaps falling for the advertising hype or are we actually benefitting from the extras we swallow, rub on and wash with...