I dont know if I've got copd because I was so overjoyed at hospital's chest clinic on 23rd that I forgot to ask!
The registrar's first words to me when I went in "well Penelope, I'm quite shocked".
My heart sank & I asked her to tell me the worst. She said "there is no worst, I'm so surprised, I was expecting to see a lot of holes and more damage". She then explained the CT scan and told me that apart for a few bits of damage my lungs were beautiful.
I think I cried just a tiny bit.
It's taken a while to get there ( nearly 4 years with 5 bouts of pneumonia, 2 bouts of severe pleurisy, countless bouts of chronic bronchitis lasting weeks or months, not to mention the misery, fear and worry) but now I know I dont have bronchiectasis or allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis or asbestosis I feel like the worlds luckiest woman.
I completely believe it's thanks to you wonderful people on the BLF who've helped me to get so much better with your advice on breathing, exercise, how to help myself, ask the right questions and the PR course. I've learnt so much from you and have an insight into lung disease to carry me into the future with worsening asthma.
I just cannot thank you enough.
I'm positive that it's been with your help that I've not had a bout of chronic bronchitis for 6 whole months (I probably shouldn't have put that into words)!
My heart goes out to you all especially those who are really suffering. I also admire your fortitude and how most of you are so positive and upbeat.
I love this site.
I wont sign off because I may be able to help others and I need to know how you're all getting on - it's a bit like a family, you worry & miss people if you've not heard from them in a while.
On other news, I've been helping my daughter Anna after the c-section birth of her 2nd beautiful daughter (nothing like sisters, I have 2 ) . I flipping shattered and decided to let her manage this week so I'm really enjoying being at home. I've been living out of a suitcase since 30th August because I've also spent a lot of time looking after a friends elderly father who broke his hip.
Love to everyone, keep warm, stay well xxxxxxx Penelope ps are flu jab appointments made? I shall make mine today, no procrastinating now!!