Lying in bed, eyes closed, the mind wanders. I recall buying my daughter, when she was a toddler, a "Clatterpillar" a line of red and blue globes with a leg and foot each side, the globes connected together with a single strand of nylon. Pulled along by a string.
This further prompted the memory of a Joke.....................
A man, living on his own, decides to get a pet for company. He goes off to the pet shop, a huge selection to choose from, rabbits, cats, dogs, and fish. He goes to the back of the shop where the exotic pets were kept, the likes of snakes, lizards and parrots.
All alone on a shelf there is a glass cage marked up as a "Talking Centipede," marked up at £5,000. That was a lot of money he mused but on reflection worth it to be able to have a conversation. It was packed up in a box with straw for padding, handed over the money and made his way home.
On arrival home he wanted to show off his new pet to his mates at the pub, he opened the box and said
"Do you fancy a pint?"
No answer so he said again
"Do you fancy a pint?"
To which, again, there was no reply, so he shouted
"Do you fancy a pint?"
A voice piped up, in an annoyed tone
"I heard you the first time, will you sodding well wait. I'm putting my shoes on".