lung infection/pneumonia now on high dosage antibiotics and steroids and trying very hard to stay out of hospital , think I have lost the plot feel drunk , wobbly , talking nonsense, losing weight , panic if ring ambulance in the middle of the night they won't find me ? Then can't sleep worrying
COPD flare up: lung infection/pneumonia... - Lung Conditions C...
COPD flare up

Robert, why wouldn't you want to be in hospital?
Exacerbations are the scariest things I've ever encountered because I feel totally out-of-control and all the body screams "I'm going to die". The hospital is a safe zone, a place of calm, where people (who know what they are doing) are totally focused on looking after me.
Based on your comments (which I understand are written whilst you are not fully stable) I would have to suggest that the only sensible course of action is to get on the phone and call for the ambulance - a day in their care and the whole world will look a better place.
Good luck (and make the call)
Hi there,
Oooooh poor you, it is just so horrible isn't it?
Just one week ago I was in the exact same position as you! For 2 months slid down hill into pneumonia, and was close to being admitted to hospital because I was so poorly.
After 2nd prescription of high dose Anitbiotics, and steroids am feeling much better and the pesky bugs have mostly gone! On the mend now 😀
Do look after yourself, and if you need hospital care then, hopefully it will be just for a few days until you are well enough to be home again.
Call for help if you need to. Keep warm, hydrated, take your medication, give yourself lots of tlc. Hope you will soon be feeling better.
Healing thoughts to you.
Please take care as the replies say maybe more specialist care is what you need atm ☺
Are you on your own...if so call the ambulance now, give you address and post code, they will find you.
Oh Robert..just got out of hospital today after having right lung community acquired pneumonia.I live on my own and awoke at about 6 am not able to breath.Previous day was fine and awoke unable to take inhaler and unable to speak on mobile ph next to bed.Managed to get to front door and luckily neighbour going to work and called ambulance..7 days later home.Is sooo frightening...truly thought things were over but here I am.Am 57 with 26%Fev.n
Never give in.
How scary - you sound like my husband who is more terrified of hospital than he is of his illness! A little while ago the doctor called and wanted to call an ambulance because his BP was too high - he completely refused to go. Don't forget the steroids can affect you in all sorts of ways and definitely affect my husband and make him much more anxious etc.
Hospital can help and at least give you the reassurance of having staff around to help you when you need it. AND why is it that my husband always feels much worse at nighttime ?? If you are not feeling better dont wait call the doctor today. Ask them to come out and see you and explain all the symptoms. Dont suffer on your own. Wishing you the speediest of recoveries, lots of love xxx

Oh Tad, you must be exhausted. Big hugs to you xxx
RObertg, are you on your own? Have you some form of communication set up for emergency help? A key holder?
I was in a simmilar situation once. Pneumonia, pleurisy, incessant vomiting from the medication. In and out of consciousness in my bed, if it hadn't been for my dear Fred dog barking furiously for hours I wouldn't have been found. Apparently it was blue lights to A&E because they couldn't find a vein for IV fluids I was so dehydrated & temperature so high.
I wouldn't have minded this world at the time but my children had lost their father just 3 months before. Since then three gorgeous grand children have been added to my family and they have a granny they adore.
Please don't be afraid of going to hospital, it's really okay.
Hope you're on the mend today - be sure to get the pneumonia jab when you've recovered, I had it 4 more times before someone twigged I should have it. Peege .....oh, and I don't even have copd!
I was in your situation just a week ago today I live in Ireland's d the health care system here is disgraceful. I was more panicked about having to go to hospital than the virus and infection I had. I had already taken one course of antibiotics and steroids but it hadn't shifted it. After telling the Dr I wasn't going to hospital he said he'd do his best to keep me at home. His cocktail of an anti virile drug strong antibiotic and high dose steroids worked. One week down the line I'm feeling much better. Because of the high dose steroids my sleep is non existent and I'm reducing them now so flattened by that but I'm getting there. After that long long post I guess what I'm trying to say is you will get over this just hang in there and if you need the hospital you'll have no choice but to go I would have had to go if the last cocktail hadn't worked. Be kind to your self x
Robert, you should go to the hospital, if for any reason to get some sleep and comfort. Exhaustion will cause symptoms to get worse. Hope you feel better soon.
Listen to your body ,,,,,,it's telling you it needs extra care ,,,,,,care you are not able to give to yourself ,,,hospital is the place you need to be ,,,,i to had pneumonia in December and spent just one night in hospital having intravenous antibiotics fir 24 hours ,,,then I was allowed home under the care of the COPD nurses,,,,,I'm still not feeling great ,,,,it takes a while to get over pneumonia,,,,,,I wish you well ,,,,,,now ring for the ambulance,good luck ,
Robert I have just come home from hospital after a bout of pneumonia was only in for 5 days on iv antibiotics and oral steroids and feel much better for it.
Like you I did not want to go in but after my wife tried to ring for an ambulance all night I gave in at4.45 am and within minutes of the ambulance getting to me I saw how silly I had been they knew straight away how to help and get me on the road to recovery.
I will never wait again as all it did was make me feel worse by the hour until I could not breath at all so please call for an ambulance and get well.
Since coming home the nurses have been out and checked my oxygen need s and found I need an increased flowrate so my stay has done some good.
R0bertrg, how are you?|Ffeeling any better? Just concerned ... let us know how you're doing when you can (hoping that you are quiet because you've gone to the hospital)
Good luck, my friend!
Iv felt like you light headed &weak lost a bit of weight what do you call strong antibiotics my doctor just gives me amoxicillin they just make me go to loo not any good don't seem to be able to get rid of infection
Firstly how do I change my name R0bertrg is my late husband I'm Diane hello , thanks so much for your support right now off all antibiotics they began with a C ??? Now can come off 1 steroid every 4th day think that's 80 odd to go if I had sense humour id be laughing st that. Today has results back X-ray clear but bloods not so good white blood cells very high ok fighting infection , but making too many red blood cells something to do with bone marrow? And kidneys not so good not sure why this had happened doctor says could be polycythaemia ???? But want repeat bloods done in 3 weeks before that a bone scan wants some meds out of my system won't weigh me till then. Until then just got to rest up and heal the body looks like will have to see blood man ....... Any ideas please hey this hasn't sent me into panic mode like the lung infection pneumonia did thanks listening Diane
Hi Diane, sorry I don't have answers for you but have a hug instead (( )) Pleased to see you are a little better. xxx