As some of you may know I have had a little bit of a nightmare getting anything done at my GP's Surgery. I ended up in A&E and from there on to Ambulatory Care were all in all, they have tried their hardest to sort out my multi-conditions. Earlier on in this saga they did a long list of different blood tests to eliminate what may be a trigger or cause? As would be expected these tests and results went to my practice and Ambulatory Care. I received a hand written letter asking me to attend a meeting to discuss the tests I had from my doctors ASAP? Thinking the worse I called and explained the letter and its contents to see a doctor. Once there the doctor turned around to me and asked how I had had so many blood tests as they would not of ordered them? I was summoned more to see who sanctioned them? I asked if there was a problem with any of them to be told besides what I have already no, but have these couple of tests again.
I heard nothing from my practice again.
Last week I received a letter from Ambulatory Care and on there were a list of my diagnosed problems/conditions and on the bottom was Vitamin D Deficiency! A quick look at what that could mean to me and my conditions and it ticked a few boxes. But also got the grey cells twitching as to why the test that showed this, was not seen on the summoned appointment at my GP Practice? First thoughts was do I just get some Vit D from chemist and carry on? Chemist Said NO! I need to see what the test result showed so they can deal appropriately was their reply.
After nearly a week I get to see a practice partner with the letter I received last week. I explained that it states I am Vit D Deficient but it was missed on the visit to go though my tests with Doctor ****** who ordered a couple more but I heard nothing back on them? He looked in the notes on screen and says but you have not had a test for that? I asked if he is looking at Doctor ****** tests or those 4 weeks earlier the hospital did? As expected they have not put the letter on the system, so I show him what I got. I could see that he was a little frustrated to the fact I knew more than him on this matter. He flicks back until he finds the hospital tests. And then gets a book and looks though a section to calculate what I need from the results on screen.
He then explains that he will give me 90 tablets of 800 IU Vitamin D3 but I will need another blood test after the course to see if I need to change anything? While there I asked could this be why my joints etc. are paining me as they are now for the past few years. He confirmed that it could but it is not good with my heart conditions either. Just before the end of our meeting he confirmed with me it was Doctor ****** Who I saw? So It may well be a a chat in her ear or just trying to pacify me? I will probably never know?
Be Well