Hi, I'm after so insight on what the reason for my dads referral for a ct scan is? he's been having flu like symptoms since nov/dec.. in april he decided to take himself to a&e after not feeling great and was diagnosed with mild pneumonia on the lower left lobe..he was discharged the same day with a 2 week course of amoxicillin and claritymithiocin, they also did iv antibiotics that day too, he's also been on amoxicillin twice from the gp beforehand as they just said he has a chest infection. he's had 2 follow up X-rays..now 8 weeks on from the initial diagnosis they've requested for him to have a ct scan next wednesday as his last X-ray is still showing pneumonia shadow? we are all worried sick as they've not really explained very well as it was just the doctors secretary who's contacted us to book this.. they originally mentioned to do the camera down test aswell but now they are not doing this and just the ct scan? theres been some confusion with the booking of the appointment... my dad is 71 and was a smoker but hasn't smoked for 22 years since his heart attack at 49...could the shadow just be scarring from the infection? he also had rheumatic fever at age 11 so they will be some scarring i would imagine.
He feels ok at the moment, no cough, no breathlessness just a bit of fatigue
Is a ct scan just routine because of his age and risk factors.
we are going out of our minds with worry
thanks in advance