Well here we are again and the sun is shining brightly, lovely blue sky with those little powder puff clouds. So a bit later I will take the bus, with my bus pass and go into town and take a short walk along the prom and then sit and watch the waves coming, in very relaxing, its a bit early for an ice cream so will settle for a newspaper and then the bus ride home which only last about ten minutes at the most.
Then I will sit and look at the kitchen and think soon I will be ready to tackle you, but not just at the moment so you are safe because once I do start there will be no stopping. Right than what about this one a bit silly but it amused me, but the again I am easily pleased.
One hot summers day a young blonde lady (other coloured hairs are available) came into town with her dog, which she tied up to a tree in the shade and went into the restaurant for some lunch.
A short while later a police man came into the restaurant and asked who owned the dog outside.
The young lady said it was hers, "Your dog seems to be in heat" the officer said, "No way, she replied its in the shade of the tree".
"No you don't seem to understand, it needs to be bred."
"My dog doesn't like bread and I fed her before we came out" she replied.
The exasperated policeman said "No you still do not understand, your dog wants to have sex."
The blonde young lady looked at the policeman and then said "OK than go ahead, I ways wanted a police dog."
Have a nice day everyone no offence meant if you do not like the above. xxx Fred