Just when I was beginning to wonder if I would ever have a hospital inpatient stay again I get two close together. Just over a month ago I felt pretty ill and started throwing up some very dark brown granulated looking stuff which 111 decided was blood and sent an ambulance out, they agreed and I was rushed in through A&E. Loads of tests done and nothing was found apart from they thought it may have been a pretty extreme gastroenteritis so after a weekend stay in Worcester Royal I returned home.
Little did I know I would be returning to see the very same nurses on Beech ward in a few weeks time. I had an appointment with my consultant to sort out my bum abscess so I am able to return to the transplant list, to my surprise I saw him on the Tuesday and he said how about getting it done Friday to which I quickly agreed as I expected a long wait like the last time.
Friday came and everything went great, I had stopped taking my warfarin for the 3 days as requested as I was having a spinal block anesthetic, the lungs are to risky to do a general, it was 1.3 on the day and had to be under 1.5 so I was good to go, they wheeled me down to the operating theater and cut out the offending abscess, the surgeon told me there and then all went well and should be able to get back on the transplant list soon.
The nurses on Beech ward were very surprised to see me back again so soon with a different problem for them to deal with, abscess packing! oucha!!! At least this time I was in a ward room of 4 instead of the solitary confinement a few weeks before so there was people to chat with which I find passes the time quicker. I learned all about stoma bags from two of them who both had them fitted recently and were learning how to deal with them. It all looks a bit tricky and I was thankful that I only had an abscess to cope with and the pain when trying to sit down.
I'm glad to say I'm recovering now but bum is still pretty sore, I still managed to film this noisy little blighter and his freckled lady friend while visiting Dad the other day and thought you might like to see them.
Tony: Nothing like the sound of the country eh' Healthunlockeders. and blue sky's over the Malverns.