Well the abscess has been removed at last and I only needed a two night stay in hospital. Lucky for me the abscess wasn't attatched to my bowl so its not a fistula, whew!!
I think the operating team may remember the day Dall came to visit. They wheeled me in on a trolly and then sat me on the operating table ready for the spinal block injection and I noticed there was some very forgettable background music playing, I said to the anesthetist can't you find anything better to play than that and to my surprise he left the room and returned with his I pad and said what do you like?
Well I said I normally exercise to ACDC and next thing he walked over to the Hi Fi in the corner and plugged his I pad in. To my surprise on came Back in Black and the volume was turned up.
Anyway the anesthetic was injected in and after a few minutes I was on my back with my legs in stirrups, a nurse on one side of me and the anesthetist on the other with another assistant. There was around five others in the room and all loving the ACDC tunes that played one after the other.
The doctor/surgeon arrived and was treated like a rock star entering the room, by this time my bum was very numb but I could still feel and wriggle my toes which I thought was interesting. The Spanish surgeon liked a bit of rock music so everyone was happy and he got to work 'DOWN THERE'. not sure what was going on but there was burning and smoke rising, the table was adjusted electronically so my bums in the air and my heads down low, it was beginning to feel like I was on some kind of crazy fair ground ride.
At this time I thought this is definitely the most ridiculously thing that has ever happened to me, here I am lay on a table with my bum in the air with a room full of people watching and ACDC hits being played out pretty loudly.
The surgeon took around 20 minutes doing his thing and then walked around and said he was very happy all the infection had been removed and he would be writing to my transplant team to tell them I can go back on the list.
I thanked him and it was off back to the ward where the ward sister who used to work in ITU 3 1/2 years ago when I was having my long battle to survive ARDS came to visit.
She said I saw your name on the computer and wanted to know how you were doing, it was huggs all round and I was very happy to show her all the hard work done back then hadn't been wasted. The head physio who also saw me at my worst came to see me, more huggs followed by her saying how well I was looking so my stay in Hospital turned out just fine.
If I hadn't have had knackered lungs I would have had a general anesthetic so just think of the fun I would have missed out on eh'
Tony keep rocking healthunlockeders and remember 'you don't get if you don't ask'