Morning folks start of another crazy day, as I explained to a few the daughters bungalow water damage has got worse kitchen was close to finish when it was discovered that it had also caused problems in the hall and bathroom, in a nut sell the two of them (daughter and G/daughter have to move out whilst its sorted expected time 2/3 weeks, they are covered by insurance so its off to a hotel as from today. As for Bella Trix it looked like kennels for her but at the moment even though she is a big girl and a bit lively I did not like the idea so I will secure my back garden and have her up here with us, and see how we get on and I have a friend who is a dog walker to give her a good run so it should work out. Oh Happy Days.
I went down to my doctor's and he said "I haven't seen you for ages", I said I know I been ill."
Whilst I was there I asked the doctor if he had anything for wind ? he said " Yes" and gave me a Kite.
This lady also saw the doctor and complained about her back ache, the doctor told her it was due to old age. She was not happy and said she wanted a second opinion, so the doctor said "OK your ugly as well".
I went to town to buy a pair of camouflage trousers, but I couldn't any.
Right that's all for now, weather here heavy mist rolling down from the hill but I expect it to clear when the tide changes, I need to dog proof the house or Bella will find things for me but we will manage some how, so stay safe and please excuse me if I miss a morning due to dog alarm.
xxxx Fred