Sat it was a sunny Valentine's Day first day out in a month as I stay out of the cold to stay out of hospital as I have emphysema and was waiting for my echocardio scan to see if heart is involved with my breathing .dont eat or sleep much so I'm a bit more sensitive ,waited hours for my lift was feeling good to get it over with and not have to travel so far again,I was on my own I got on and no seats so I sat with my back to driver with a belt round my waste ,I wasn't bothered that he was late,he must have been as we took off I hung on,bundled along with no suspension ooooh my bones then whoops he pulled up quickly and my insides almost popped up through the belt ug ug oooohhhhhh the noise 20 mins later we are arriving I'm being sick air stink get to my app get refused as I'm late ,soon he said with dignity ok ,I was treated with the gratest respect by a man that looked like Prince(the musician) so gentle my ex ray was free from stress. Wonderful thank you....the transport came to pick me up back in the noisy rattling ambulance I faced driver this time by now I had sprained my ribs being sick and pulled my back n neck when I'd been thrown upwards on the way up,so apart from the noise my body was aching by the time I got home went in and was sick again. Oooohhhhwhat a horrible journey,I felt so rejected, he wanted to watch the rugby and not work.settled down to what I like doing and watched the voice......brilliant . Oh I've done that journey twice before the second time I was left with a cold as the doors were left open for ages delivering people home.
Joy ride (patients transport)to hospi... - Lung Conditions C...
Joy ride (patients transport)to hospital app.

Just a thought good job I didn't have that rich tomatoe soup for lunch before I left,almost did as usual didn't eat anything,
Sorry to hear your trip to hospital was not good, hope your results of heart scan are better and worth all the suffering on transport.The Voice is a good show,takes you into another world. Some of those Wanabees as they call them will be world famous artists in time to come. Hope you fewel better this morning.
Been up all night my self could not sleep mind going on one agane
Sorry to hear you had a bad trip. If it was me I would put in a complaint, two reasons 1) You were made late for your appointment. 2) The ride is supposed to be enjoyable not rough. On these points complain. If they don't want the job then give it someone who does. Lol.
Sending hugs and hope you are feeling better this morning. XXXX
Thanks, but it has to be the correct way to complain,I will have to find out,it was unaexeptable it was meant for wheelchairs I think.
I have put a complaint in ,it was the patient ride from hell, found out it is a different firm,not the hospital staff, as they are absolutely awesome .,respectful .it maybe private firm putting patients lives at risk as they are already I'll.