Vitamin D: Hi everyone, Thought you... - Lung Conditions C...

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Vitamin D

rubyred777 profile image
30 Replies

Hi everyone,

Thought you might be interested in this article about vitamin D. It says it is readily

absorbed by the lungs and sinus tissues

strengthening their defences against invading viruses. A daily 2,000 IU dose can

lower your risk of a cold by 29% and the flu by 80 %.Also slashes the risk of 15 different cancers. I know I was low on D in my blood test. I'm definitely going to start taking it. Have a great weekend everyone.


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rubyred777 profile image
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30 Replies
Bevvy profile image

I take vitamin D through the winter months. In the summer I HOPE I will get enough from the sunlight! Helps with tiredness.

Most people build up enough vitamin D in the summer months to see them through the winter and you still get it in the winter as long as you are outside in the daylight for around 20 minutes or so daily. I think taking a supplement is unecessary unless you can't get out much or you have problems absorbing it. x

stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to

'Adequate sun exposure no guard against low vitamin D':

'Sun Exposure Not Enough to Correct Vitamin D Deficiency':


'Recent reports have shown that Vitamin D deficiency is rampant in tropical countries including India despite plenty of sunshine . . .'

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to

But many with copd DO have difficulty getting adequate absorption Cough.

So i would always err on the safe side and take a supplement. And often we are stuck inside in winter especially when we've got flare-ups. Ive hardly been able to out for months, due to this and the temperature and winds which i can't manage.

Also blood tests aren't always a reliable indicator.

And again, many of us on steroids are at risk of osteoporosis and Vit D is vital for helping to absorb calcium.

peege profile image

Yep, a great believer in supplemental Vit D3 me. We do not get enough especially in the British climate. Also as we get older we cover our selves up more & so gain little benefit from the sun. We need to expose a lot of skin to get enough for winter stores.

Now that children are slathered in factor 30 they don't get enough and rickets is returning to the uk.

I was recommended by PR nurse to take Vit D3 year round and that it was the single cheapest and best thing we could do to improve lung health.

Personally, my lung health has greatly improved since taking it regularly two years ago.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to peege

Glad your lung health is so much improved peege. But are you sure its due to the Vit D3? I ask as if we make several changes which i think maybe you have done, then its hard to know which one is making the difference (as my GP is always telling me!). Could be just one, or maybe all of them. I agree that Vit D is a good cheap thing to take to optimise health, probably for most elderly people (not that you look elderly i have to say - truly ppl, I've met peege and she looks well fit and youthful).

You ok at the mo peege, and still enjoying your ecxquisit habitat? xxx J

D*mn, trying every which way to spell that word, know it's wrong :(

peege profile image
peege in reply to O2Trees

Haha thanks for the well fit and youthful J! My colouring helps, I always look well.

You're right, I do take other supplements plus some Meds so it's impossible to tell which has helped most.

I deffo need the Vit D for bones tho. Am trying to keep full blown osteoporosis at bay.

I'm sorry to hear you've still been poorly. I can thoroughly recommend the climate here you know.

I've been so well. Even found myself jogging uphill the other day whilst simultaneously giving a running commentary & video-ing donkeys for Daisy.

For two days it was damp, rainy and overcast. It instantly effected my breathing, sob, blue puffer out to walk upstairs and to the nurses shed (still going 3 x weekly). Today is sunny again & I've improved.

PLEASE get well soon, it's so horrible to be stuck indoors, I remember it so well and dreading future winters in the UK. xxxx

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to peege

Will do my best P. Ive been on pred all winter, never happened before. I am getting out though, but not to walk. Went to a folk-rock event at a regular club here last night with my cousin Paul, who just lost his partner Hazel to cancer, think i told you about it. Plus other friends, great evening after which he stayed over and we were up you-tubing til after midnight. Then today lunch at the best restaurant in the town (Morrocan); just that i have to take the car for the shortest distances.

Three infections so far this winter so just as well i didn't travel out to you. But the weird thing is i haven't been as sick with them as previously. Doc thinks its chronic bronchitis which I've never had before; i think its mucus from reflux being worsened by infection. Have to see what the consultant thinks in April.

But don't worry about me - I'm adjusting my life to being indoors. Lots of cooking new recipes for friends; starting to learn the harmonica from a talented mate who plays a mean blues harp. And i have aspirations to abseil which I'm researching. How hard can it be? Its downwards, helped by gravity - perfect activity for copders with a head for heights ;)

But you . . . jogging uphill, that's bonkers, but highly commendable, well done. You do look so well, skin of a baby, bit like Rita, and even her mum at 90 before she died. Good skin-genes i guess, you lucky ones.

On the odd times I go out e.g. last weekend at farmers' market where we see lots of friends, I'm getting used to people saying "nice to see you out and about". They are being kind and mean it, and Im appreciative, but it also makes me feel such an invalid!!

Lots love, xxx J

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to peege

Will do my best P. Ive been on pred all winter, never happened before. I am getting out though, but not to walk. Went to a folk-rock event at a regular club here last night with my cousin Paul, who just lost his partner Hazel to cancer, think i told you about it. Plus other friends, great evening after which he stayed over and we were up you-tubing til after midnight. Then today lunch at the best restaurant in the town (Morrocan); just that i have to take the car for the shortest distances.

Three infections so far this winter so just as well i didn't travel out to you. But the weird thing is i haven't been as sick with them as previously. Doc thinks its chronic bronchitis which I've never had before; i think its mucus from reflux being worsened by infection. Have to see what the consultant thinks in April.

But don't worry about me - I'm adjusting my life to being indoors. Lots of cooking new recipes for friends; starting to learn the harmonica from a talented mate who plays a mean blues harp. And i have aspirations to abseil which I'm researching. How hard can it be? Its downwards, helped by gravity - perfect activity for copders with a head for heights ;)

But you . . . jogging uphill, that's bonkers, but highly commendable, well done. You do look so well, skin of a baby, bit like Rita, and even her mum at 90 before she died. Good skin-genes i guess, you lucky ones.

On the odd times I go out e.g. last weekend at farmers' market where we see lots of friends, I'm getting used to people saying "nice to see you out and about". They are being kind and mean it, and Im appreciative, but it also makes me feel such an invalid!!

Lots love, xxx J

I'm taking prescribed Adcal + D3 due to bone thinning, can't say I've noticed any improvement, but then I'm on MTX which can cause lung problems anyway. Also had cancer too!!

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

roseenglish profile image

You are very wrong.

Our body cannot "make" Vitamin D without UVB daylight hitting bare skin.

Our body does not store Vitamin D, so what ever you make during Summer you are using it up each and every day there after meaning within a matter of weeks, anything you created from UVB has been used by your body.

We use between 5000 and 10,000 IUs a day, if we are sick we use more, hence we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency in Western cultures were people sit in offices all day and are told to "cover up" when in the sun due to skin cancer scares.

peege profile image
peege in reply to roseenglish

Haha great to have so much reinforcement

rubyred777 profile image
rubyred777 in reply to peege

All I know is vitamin D helps your bones and protects your lungs.Also helps your lung function. Thats good enough for me! There was a man on here talking about vitamin A for his wife. Cant find it now. Sone of you were goibg to start taking it.

I believe your not supposed to take alot of it. Anyone do any reseach on that? ( Stilltruckin ) ?? I know anyone that smokes or did smoke shouldn't take beta carotene

Have a good one


stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to rubyred777

The vitamin A post is titled 'Emphysema', find it here:

Actually I recently posted on there on that very subject . . .

Regarding beta carotene and smoking, the evidence is that there is an increased risk of lung cancer for current heavy smokers taking very high doses (30+ mg/day) of beta carotene.

jenss profile image
jenss in reply to rubyred777

Hi Ruby can you upload up the article you referred to in your post please? Thanksxxxx

peege profile image

There's a useful little book over here: Pocket Guide to Vitamins - a guide to vitamins and supplements by Angela Dowden, a well know nutritionist. It been my bible for checking on the benefits, correct dosage and what not to take & why - ie Vit A.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to peege

Are you saying you should not take Vitamin A based on what your guide shows?

peege profile image
peege in reply to jackdup

No, I wouldn't do that. It advises you on the maximum daily dose of everything and explains why & who shouldn't take certain things like the Vit A. I haven't got book with me but I do recall there was advice for some people not to take Vit A.

I bought it because I want to take the optimism dose of certain supplements but not over do it.

IE my daily multivit & mineral could push me over the limit.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to peege

Thank you, and if there is cautions regarding Vitamin A I would appreciate if you could post them as I wouldn't mind trying it based on what the other poster said about how it helped his wife.

Thanks again

stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to jackdup

The official 'Tolerable Upper Limit' for vitamin A is 10 000 IU per day.

Pregnant women should definitely not take more than that due to the possibility of birth defects at higher doses (although the data that this is based on is not beyond dispute).

Taking several times that amount for months at a time may have adverse effects.

jackdup profile image
jackdup in reply to stilltruckin

Thank you for the information. I believe the poster I was referring to mentioned his wife was taking 5000 IU twice a day so it would be within the limit you mention, so at least given the information now available, that dosage should not cause a problem. I don't mind trying things if there is not likely any adverse consequences.

peege profile image
peege in reply to jackdup

Click on stilltruckin's link about 8 replies up from here Jackdup. She give the link to the Vit A post with its many replies. Lots of info there it's very interesting

frose profile image

My doctor told me to take it but was emphatic it had to be D3. I can't be sure of cause and effect but in the 9 months of taking it I've only had 1 cold and that wasn't even too troublesome. Regardless, being of a certain age, I'd take it just for bone health.

CornishBrian profile image

I have Vit D and Calcium on prescription. The steroid in inhalers etc can cause brittle bone disease but I have had some treatment for skin cancer on my back and am not allowed direct contact with the sun for 5 years.

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