Stopped taking this awful drug. I since found out from the COPD Nurse that phyllocontin was an old drug that had been replaced by Sprirva which I have been taking for a couple of years now. I went to all the trouble of making sure that I brought the medication to Watford General for my 3 monthly review. Gave the COPD person all the info so I assumed she would tell the Lung Constultant what meds I was on. I can't believe the negligence of these so called medics. I should have realized that the COPD girl wasn't really listening when all she did was quote the usual..levels, check sputum etc.' Are these people even nurses or do they just do an E learning course? I don't know if the consultant even looked at my notes but just came up with this antiquated drug that almost saw me off. I am so angry with these so called medical experts. The only good thing to come out of it was a referral to 'The Royal Brompton' some time next years.
Thanks for allowing this rant. And all the wonderful advice. This site is a such a Godsend!