Here's a scholarly review of garlic, part of it is about anti cancer. The humble smelly may help you more than you were thinking!
Garlic power: Here's a scholarly review... - Lung Conditions C...
Garlic power

Makes very good reading I have been taking garlic for quite a while but I may try some raw to see if I can stand the taste and smell like
I thought that adding garlic gives you this little Umpf that tickles the bud tastes nicely. I'm told tht eating prasley, drinking tea or milk, and, of course, rinsing the mouth of the little bits left over, will get rid of the smell. Unfortunately, it's more problematic when the garlic is digested, because the gas ends up in the lungs and is expelled through them. But the gas itslef protects the heart in some way. Health or smell! Cheers, Mic
Here's a recipe for you Mic I would try and source the Bears Garlic for this,
Interesting reading seeing it has been used for 5000 years Those Buddhists know a thing or two

Jinny, thank you so much. I've copied the link into a folder for further use. It sounds ( and smells) potent. have you tried it? Are you a friend of the Dalai Lama?
No LOL Im not a friend of the Dalai lama,
No I haven't tried it, I don't get any money so everything is a bit more difficult for me but I rarely get ill, they even managed to poison me a few months ago and something like a finger came into the top of my head and down to my solar plexus then up again then the whole of my body just exploded with this amazing feeling then my kundalini unravelled up my spine what an experience I then threw up and went and sat on the toilet for about half an hour, I put this down to my first genuine divine experience, absolutely fascinating and I knew not to eat the food,
you have a very interesting life when you fight the evil that runs this world and half of it I don't understand and even I think I'm mad sometimes

Please, Jimmy, ask me what you don't understand in my writing or my weird experience. To tell you the truth, I am a Christian; have been since 1977; not always been easy, but I find some solace in my new found health through the gym and the drugs that a wise doctor gave me to save my life (true). I can explain more in another mail or even in a PM if you like.

HI jinni,
I have just come across this old post, and sorry for asking, but why are you recommending something to a member who has serious lung issues, which you haven't tried yourself? I don't mean to be rude, but just curious, particularly when you say you rarely get ill, but someone tried to poison you? I don't understand this reply at all.
I was also wondering what country you are from, as I too believe in divine experiences but they don't usually consist of vomiting and requiring to sit on the toilet for half an hour!!
If you eat food which is bad, rotten or even if your stomach reacts badly to whatever you have eaten, this is what happens. You vomit and have to visit the toilet, and have never known it described as a divine experience.
You have a particular belief system? Why would someone want to poison you? I see also that you have studied alternative medicines in some depth.
hugs from Huggs x
Dear Huggs,
I believe in divine experience for having experienced Divine heling ( of epilepsy) I believe that what I do to help myself is also guided by the Almighty.
sometimes, though, (more often than I would like it to be) I go astray, and the Divine tells me, "OK, you go that way, but don't complain after and tell me that it was awful!"
Cheers, Huggs, with hugs, Mic
I don't know if this is in the right order but I think I have answered your questions I try and cure people doctors rarely do.
and I am recommending something that will be beneficial for him and anyone else with lung problems I try not to kill people like the doctors do but the system protects these people but the system is corrupt,
Do you ask the doctors when they hand out their medicine if they have tried it themselves or even if they know whats in it? try it next time you go into one I will bet you they have no idea what they are giving you. but come and ask me and I will give you natural things and the best place to get it if I can.
You are told to trust a doctor this is a form of brainwashing it also shows people do not want to take responsibility for their own lives,
all I'm doing is showing people the truth and trying to give them their lives back, but do you have any idea how hard this is, all the evidence is their that pharma medicines are poisonious they even stamp it on the packet the meds come in (the red triangle) all meds are derived from nature there is no evidence that their medications work as the placebo effect cures 30% of all people.
I tell people to research things themselves and try and point them in the right direction I have been studying this for around 18 months to 2 years, people do not educate themselves they have had their minds dumbed down, to trust a doctor is Insanity without checking what they tell you I am trying to show people how to fix themselves
The divine experience was the finger or chemical that came down from the centre of my head and back up again and then the unravelling of my kundalini I assigned the word divine because I had no other reference point the moment the pain in my stomach exploded this experience happened to me
how would you get poison out of you then if you did not vomit and sit on the toilet,
I have been fighting the people that run this world for 6 or 7 years now and unless you know whats going on in the world you would not be able to understand although one thing I managed to do recently was give some information to Anonymous that started the Op death eaters (there title not mine) this was exposing that most of the politicians are connected to well go research this yourself and you will see why various people might want me dead, They have tried to knock me off at least 10 times so far but when you are good you get protected hopefully I can wake a few people up as to what's going on in our world and they can change the way it is being controlled nobody needs to be ill they are creating this intentionally there are cures for cancer like DCA which has been proven we know lung disease can be cured by IV vitamin C shots
The Chinese know our teeth can be grown back using a form of sesame seed oil but we are not told about this.
I have stopped various things happening in this world and in response to that they make my life extremely difficult and do not let me have any money so I educate myself in a way that I can help people and also then get the possibility of earning some money if I can fix the person but I ask for nothing.
Alcohol is not dangerous for the lungs it is extremely beneficial
I try not to do what 90% of doctors do In fact I do the opposite and actually cure people. I check science reports as much as possible sometimes I get it wrong as we can see with the misdirection thrown out about garlic and the Harvard report but many people have fallen for this report and this is why I keep searching
The things I say if they were not true would put me on a defamation charge but they know better than to give me a stand in the public eye although they are more than welcome to.
People are told lung problems are mainly due to smoking when the real reason is the mixture of tar and rubber coming off the roads this creates microfine particles which do severe damage to your lungs and go all through your body but you will not be aware of this as the info was hidden (just like the info on womens tampons and the dye they use in the majority of these that causes endometriosis and cervical cancer) Nice little money spinner for our doctors and pharma companies don't you think?
lemon and lime with the peel is extremely good for the lungs as the limonene removes the tar and rubber as well as various other cancer causing toxins,
if people want advice then they can mail me and I will show them what to look at in order for them to fix themselves although it seems people are not willing to save themselves just by changing their lifestyle for maybe a week just to see.

Hi jinni,
Thanks for your reply, which I feel is better answered elsewhere.
Take care,
hugs from Huggs xx
My very dearest friend always stunk it garlic!! She was the most glamorous woman I have ever met and never had a cold!! She swore by it xxxx
" Hello helingmic. I was reading your article with a lot of interest and the benefits to garlic. I too have been reading an article regarding benefits to people with copd. flu cancer various conditions. so I purchased some of this to try for myself, so am now waiting to see if I feel any benefit's to it. I will add the link for you any other's in HU. Who may find this article of interest also...Megan !
My mum used garlic in everything and lived a full life to 91, I use it a lot too and atake garlic supplements too
So do the garlic supplements you get from Holland & Barrett have the same effect
Some say yes, some say they prefer the raw ones. I don't know to tell you the truth! I shold think if you have teh same ingredients in a pill bar the odour, it may still work.
I take Vit C with zinc in a pill and Vit D3 with fish oil in a gel pill. They seem to work. There you are , judge for yourself. I think there are studies to show you don't need a lot of garlic, I don't know how much there is in a pill comapred with the real thing. The taste is obviously different! Perhaps you culd do a bit of research on this yourself. Can't be bad anyway! Cheers. Mic
I took glucosamine for over a year they said it was good for your joints yet a physiotherapist told me he had seen no evidence of these tablets working who knows
That's right. it's either or not at all. It's our body that accepts it or not, it's like that! I tool some too to no effect. A friend of mine swears by fish oil for his bad shoulder. I take cod liver oil, but I shall switch to fish oil due to the fact that there's too much Vit A in cod liver oil apparently. Se live and leanr ... or stumble in the dark! Trial and error!
You'll find something that's do you good I hope. The principle is: never give up!
This is a very poor study it does not show you how bad garlic and onions are for the brain due to the chemical sulphone hydroxyl and even glosses over the fact that the elite shunned it because of the smell utter rubbish.
The main benefits of garlic are due to the sulphur content the only garlic that humans can use is called Bears Garlic this is the only garlic animals eat all the rest are toxic and really slow your brain down
you can use organic sulphur which does exactly the same as the garlic and it will clear your arteries out without poisoning your brain.

You mean the garlic I buy at the supermarket is toxic?
I'm reading this on the net. They say in hig dose, but how high is it in terms of cloves/day?
I have seen the claim about garlic being bad for the brain.
Her's another study that shows that in huge quanteity garlic is toxic.
For a person like me the maximum dose is 25 gramme. i weighed a clove, it's only 4 gr . There seems so many benefits outdo the danger. I couldn't find a scholarly study into the toxicity of garlic, except for wild or sweet garlic inducing death!
We are talking about allium sativum, not the wild one.
I reserve my judgment.
Apparently the only garlic animals eat is bears garlic.
I might be wrong about this so I need to find out more
but bears garlic is definitely the most potent
Right done a little bit more studying,
so the cancer curing chemical in it is called germanium this was being sold as a supplement and the British government banned this as a manufacturer made a toxic version and it killed 2 people in the UK (this is how the pharmaceutical companies remove products from the market that rival there business as it would affect there profits this happened in the US with tryptophan when it was discovered that it cured depression)
I would Imagine any of the supplements you buy will of had the germanium removed so it would be worth your while checking with the company to make sure it is still in there I would also imagine that Monsanto would of removed the chemical whilst genetically modifying the garlic they did this with the humble blackberry in the late 70s wild blackberries cure cancer and Monsanto sprayed all of the countryside with PCBs which are now all the way up our food chain just to get rid of the blackberry and gooseberry bushes
so if you can find wild blackberries growing bring them back to your garden and replant them
(the people that are major shareholders in Monsanto also own the pharmaceutical companies in fact they pretty much control the majority of companies at least in the western world and work together business is business they say)
I've been told to get around the smell of garlic you just swallow the clove whole no chewing but there are some studies disproving this saying it goes into your blood and then the smell comes out of your lungs and pores I personally think if you cleared your body out of all the toxins then we would not be affected by the smell, the simplest way of doing this is a good pure water fast probably around 10 days this will clear almost all disease, toxins and heavy metals out of your body
but who knows hey the bit where I said garlic contains sulphone hydroxyl came from a study done by Harvard allegedly but Harvard have denied this study ever took place and it could of been put out as propaganda
the most effective way of curing the majority of heart problems is to take organic sulphur coarse crystal flakes it must not contain any additives or anti caking agents this will clear your arteries out

Gosh, Jinny, You are well informed about all the tricks these Monsanto/ pharmaceuticals get up to. It paints a bleak picture, but i do believe you. I love some of the berries. We used to have blackberries just outside my door among the thorns! Somebody complained about the thorns, so the council sent men to raise this to the ground. Poor blackberries!
Yes I do have a different perception of the world due to my fighting certain people and companies,
once you take some of these people on and they show you how the world really works you sort of get a better understanding of how it all fits together as its a very successful model employed by all the top companies completely ruthless and extremely short term which is why the majority of the people that run these companies are completely psychotic hence the world we live in is a reflection of these people as they have so much influence on so many different levels.
Its just a shame our militaries don't defend us from these people as they are far worse than any terrorist organisation and we all flock to buy there products even though it will kill our planet.
Yeah the way to tell if nature is offering you something good is if it protects its fruit if there is no protection then it is normally poisonous
Have a look at the stinging nettle this is one of the most nutrient dense foods there is and look how it protects those goodies

I''m perhaps less active than you, but I have joined which launches campaigns and the governement listens and change indeed I've seen a lot about devastation of forest and about Monsanto gruesomely using land in India, disregards the people, plants those modified gene seeds and doesn't care that ht farmers no longer are able to produce their crops. Of course, M. sells the farmesr there modified genes seeds to the farmers who have to order more because they don't reproduce! A scandal.
The government are completely controlled by the elite, if they are not directly linked to these families they are either being blackmailed or bribed the majority of the upper tier of our society are psychopaths, the stuff I could tell you about the prime ministers and presidents you would not want to believe.
The media are the elites control mechanism 6 zionist families own around 95% of the worlds media they find out all the nitty gritty and then use this info to control the governments decisions
A lot of these organisations like Anastasia, Change and Anonymous are set up or infiltrated by the elite so they can steer it and just take the edge off of them especially the Anastasia movement which is probably the most powerful movement of our time if it can be interpreted right the book is not completely true but the message is extremely close to a fair world that anyone could hope to live in
this link is 38kb it is written in the spirit of word and is as close to magic in how it unlocks a feeling of positiveness as you will get.
If taken in the right context this one book has the ability to change the world and remove the evil that has engulfed our planet if enough people get to read it, the elites do everything they can to stop people reading or knowing about it they have even written another book to throw people off of it.
The most effective way of trying to save our planet is to introduce MRI testing for anyone In a position of power this reads the electricity in our brains and tells if the person is lying or not.
LOL and I doubt there are many others like me in how I fight the elites they hate me as they don't like good and I've screwed their genocidal plans up on more than one occasion.

Thank you for this explanation. I've bookmarked Rivendell. I'll have a look at Anastasia. I'm surprised to find that the Rivendell book ishas its origin in Russia. When you think that coiuntry is and has, more or less always, been under autocratic, dictatorial rules, it's amazing they could write such a book
Thanks again for the fascinating info.
Hi Mic I've read a lot on the benefits of garlic, but I hate the stuff....! so I take odourless garlic 200mg in the hope it will be of some benefit to me anything is worth a try. As you say some of these things work for some people but not for others were all different in how our bodies react to things, people like yourself kindly putting up this info for us is opening the posabilities to us. Keep up the good work I say we can never know to much.
stilltruckin, I love the Jarrow brand. I take there the Jarrow-zymes to help me digest. It helped me after my infection in March with the acidophilus. This helped crowd out the C-Difficile I caught in hospital. I got some antibiotics to shift it, but it didn't shift the diarrhea. The acidophilus and jarrow-zymes did. Thanks for the advice.