we have just had a power cut .biggest bang brightest flash you ever heard . lights went out , dog bolted I nearly filled me pants . and me air stopped . aint it funny how in the first five minutes its a bit of a panic . we now have back up bottle in living room not hiden in cupboard out of the way . we nearly lit the candels . daft idea when on oxygen ,then rememberd have torch app on mob phone . all sorted now it wasoff for about 45 mins . sweet dreams every one ,. keep on breathing
power cut: we have just had a power cut... - Lung Conditions C...
power cut

i love storms we had them here at barry island last night
dont light the candles ha ha

just looked up where you live don't fink ive been there yet . im a Essex layabout myself
did you watch that program gavin and stacey cos if you did i live where stacey lived

it was a decent one for a change, the last few have been over in a flash
Oops tobydoo, wot caused it ?? Glad ur sorted, I'd have been the idiot that lite the candles lol, sweet dreams. X Sonia x ps just read post again and Mandy's , ermmmm, thunder storm. I catch on eventually lol. Xx
Hi. Glad your underwear survived. Don't forget to ring you oxygen supplier and tell them you have used your emergency cylinder. Regards Rib
How scary for you no oxygen. I would never have thought don't light the candles. Glad you are ok now. x
Well in all the panic at least you remembered about the candles lol! Glad you have the 02 a bit more accessible now! Would have been a scary experience. xxx
wow lucky you having a back and lucky you that you never lit the damn candles hope you never followed through bit messy that
Where I am it just overcast and very dull we are always have power cuts thank God i'm not on oxygen